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时间:2024-01-21 10:40来源:毕业论文

摘  要:近年来,随着幼儿园主题墙的教育价值越来越突出,主题墙的创设也逐渐受到重视。但是在实践中总把握不好其中的度,出现了各种问题。如忽视主题墙领域内容选取的均衡性;主题墙创设固定化,更新不及时;缺乏对幼儿年龄特点的针对性;忽视幼儿的主体性地位等等。这些与现代教育所提倡的幼儿为本理念背道而驰,使主题墙的创设未能充分发挥促进幼儿发展的作用。《幼儿园工作规程》中指出:“幼儿园必须创设与教育相适应的良好环境,促进幼儿身心和谐的发展。”为此,教师在创设幼儿园主题墙时,需从幼儿的年龄特点、发展水平、兴趣需要出发,均衡选取各领域的内容,积极创设动态的、有针对性的、以幼儿为主体的主题墙,真正做到以“幼儿为本”,发展幼儿多方面的能力。93219 


Abstract: In recent years, with the increase of prominence on the educational value of the thematic wall of kindergarten, kindergartens are attaching more and more attention on the creation of the thematic wall。 However, perse problems have turned up due to the improper effort to the creation of the thematic wall in practice which include ignoring the balance of the content of the thematic wall, fossilization of the creation, delaying updating, the lack of pertinence to the characteristics of children's age, neglect of the dominant role of children, and etc。 These are contradicted with the child-oriented idea which is advocated by the modern education, leading to the creation of thematic wall failing to fully exerting the influence on the promotion of the development of young children。 "Kindergarten working regulation" points out that kindergarten must create good environment that could adapt to education, to promote the development of both children's physical and mental harmony。 Therefore, when the teachers start the creation of thematic wall, they should make even selection of the contents from all kinds of fields, actively create dynamic, customized, child-oriented thematic wall that are based on the characteristics of children's age, level of their development and hobbies to truly practice the child-oriented idea and promote the overall development of young children。

Keywords: Kindergarten, Thematic wall, The Environmental Design 

目   录

1  前言 3

1。1  问题提出 3

1。2  相关研究 3

1。3  核心概念 3

2  幼儿园主题墙创设过程中的问题及分析 4

2。1  主题墙领域内容选择不均衡 4

2。2  主题墙创设固定化,更新不及时 5

2。3  主题墙的创设缺乏针对性 5

2。4  主题墙忽视幼儿的主体性 6

3  幼儿园主题墙的创设策略 6

3。1  主题墙内容的选取应体现各领域的均衡性 7

3。2  主题墙创设体现动态性 7

3。3  主题墙创设体现针对性 8

3。4  发挥幼儿在主题墙创设中的主体性 9

结  论 11

参 考 文 献 12

1  前言 幼儿园主题墙创设过程中的问题和策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_201030.html
