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时间:2024-02-13 20:14来源:毕业论文

摘  要:中国的政治近代化是外源性的,自中国在鸦片战争中失败后,传统的封建专制统治就逐步受到西方列强的侵犯,一成不变的古老中国在有识之士的倡导下开始发生由封建君主专制社会向君主立宪制或民主共和制社会过渡的转变。而晚清幕府作为一种幕府形态,在历史的浪潮中对中国的政治近代化产生了双重影响。一方面,晚清幕府影响下的洋务运动向西方学习器物,资产阶级的兴起和资本主义经济的发展促进了中国政治近代化萌芽;晚清幕府影响下的清末宪政运动推动了官僚制度化、地方行政体制资本主义化、地方自治化,带来了中国政治近代化的大发展;另一方面,晚清幕府的保荐活动造成地方势力膨胀,助长政治的腐败,造成中国政治近代化发展过程曲折;晚清时期以袁世凯为首的霸府复辟帝制,扼杀了中国的民主共和政体,袁世凯逝世后,其麾下的部员发动军阀混战,严重阻碍中国政治近代化步伐。鉴于此,我们应辩证地看待晚清幕府这一特殊的体制对中国政治近代化的影响,具体问题具体分析。93757


Abstract: China's political modernization is exogenous, since China was defeated in the opium war。 Because the traditional feudal autocratic rule is gradually invaded by western powers, the old changeless china has began to change the society from the feudal autocratic monarchy constitutional to constitutional monarchy or democratic republic regime。The late qing dynasty shogun , as a form of shogun, had a double effect on the political modernization of China in the wave of history。 On the one hand, the westernization movement under the influence of the shogunate in late qing dynasty to the western learning objects, the rise of the bourgeoisie and the development of capitalist economy to promote the Chinese political modernization bud; The constitutional movement in the late qing dynasty under the influence of the shogunate in late qing dynasty promoted the bureaucratic, local administrative system of capitalism, local autonomy, has brought the great development of China's political modernization; On the other hand, the expansion of local power in the late qing dynasty, and the corruption of politics, caused the process of the modernization of Chinese politics。 Headed by yuan shikai in the late qing dynasty the government on the restoration of the monarchy, killing the democratic republic of China, after the death of yuan shikai, member under its umbrella warlords, seriously hinder the pace of China's political modernization。 In view of this, we should take a dialectical view of the impact of this special system on the modernization of Chinese politics。

Key words: shogunate of late qing dynasty,political modernization,influence,Yuan shikai shogun

 引  言


 晚清幕府产生的原因及特征源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

看到“晚清幕府”这四个字眼,我们很容易从时间的概念上去误解它,然而晚清幕府是作为一种幕府形态而存在的,并不是单纯地从时间概念上划分出来的幕府种类。李志茗先生在谈及晚清幕府概念时,说:“晚清时期的幕府除领兵大员与督抚幕府外,还有学政幕府、司道幕府、州县幕府等,前者属于晚清幕府,后三者属于明清幕府,这两种幕府形态不仅外在的规模、权势相差悬殊,就是内里的体制、机制也不尽相同,如果不注意,容易混为一谈。”[2](p111)晚清幕府最早出现在嘉道年间,是从明清幕府形态中分化出来的一种既继承了明清幕府制度又有其自身独特之处的幕府形态。同时,明清幕府也受晚清幕府的影响,两者相互交叉,相互共存于晚清时期。 晚清幕府对中国政治近代化的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_201661.html
