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时间:2019-04-14 13:05来源:毕业论文

The Problems and Countermeasures of Home-school Cooperation in Primary School
Abstract:Home-school cooperation is a kind of educational pattern of the home and school cooperating with each other, combining education, promoting children's socialization process.From the point of view of the development of children,the school  and the family is the main place for children's growth and development.Only to fully play the role of combining education of family and school can children get healthy growth and development.This article adopts the method of empirical research,taking an investigation on the cooperation between schools and families in Experimental Primary School.It shows some problems, including that parental participation is not high,the responsibility is unclear,the cooperation mode and the communication content are too single,  parental participation consciousness is not strong and other issues.The causes include the school,teachers,parents and society.To solve these problems we need to change the education concept of parents,establish and improve the home-school cooperation mechanism,improve the effectiveness of the parents committee,establish the parents committee and make good use of the network education platform.
    Keywords: Primary school education; The development of children; Parents; teachers; home-school cooperation
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、家校合作对儿童发展的重要性    2
二、研究设计    2
(一)调查对象    2
(二)问卷设计    2
三、调查结果分析    2
(一)家校合作存在的问题    2
(二)家校合作问题的成因    5
四、提升家校合作有效性的对策    7
(一)转变家长教育观念    7
(二)建立健全家校合作机制    7
(三)提高家长会的实效    7
(四)建立家长委员会    8
(五)利用好网络教育平台    8
参考文献    9
附录Ⅰ    10
附录II    11
致谢    12     
小学教育阶段家校合作中存在的问题及对策—— 以宿迁市实验小学为例    一、家校合作对儿童发展的重要性
所谓家校合作,是指家庭与学校以沟通为基础,通过彼此相互配合,合力育人,形成相辅相成的教育影响力,促进儿童社会化的过程。从儿童发展出发,学校和家庭是儿童成长与发展的主要场所,只有全面发挥学校和家庭教育的合力作用,才能有助于儿童的健康成长与发展。[1]但是,受各种现实因素影响,家校合作过程中出现了较多的问题,不仅影响孩子的全面教育,也影响孩子的健康成长,而且造成了家校双方的相互推诿和埋怨。随着儿童教育理论研究的深入,人们越来越清楚地认识到,家庭教育和学校教育是儿童成长与发展不可缺少的两个重要组成部分,二者只有共同发挥教育效能,才能培养和造就具有现代素质的“完整人”。因此,开展家校合作方面的研究具有重大的现实意义。 小学教育阶段家校合作中存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_32030.html