Live without Chaos: The new Demands of Classroom Discipline Management
Abstract: Since has implemented the new class to change, student's independent more and more stressed, teacher's authority is more and more weak. Students become "active" and "lively", the classroom show "scattered and active" performance. The classroom becomes more and more difficult to control, the teacher don’t know what course to take. They don’t know whether to tube and how to manage? They worry about being against the new curriculum requirements. This is obviously to the new class sign misunderstanding. It is the extreme behavior of over correct. It not only let the teachers can’t teach, let the new teachers' fear of lower grade teaching work. Even many interns refuse to serve as the primary school lower grade teaching because students are too messy. In the face of new problems, through the interview and observation, according to XinMin primary school classroom was observed, mainly carries on the analysis of the present situation from two aspects of performance and behavior reaction of teachers and students, and analyze its reason. On this basis, puts forward some specific suggestions that is helpful to " live without chaos” classroom: Respect for the students with strict combination; open and regulate the behavior of students to combine; implement the principal role of students and teachers play the active role of the combination of incentive and punishment; Combination of incentives and punishment.
Keywords: The new curriculum; The Classroom management; Live and not random
目 录
摘要: 1
Abstract: 2
一、新课程下课堂纪律管理的新要求 3
二、当前课堂纪律存在的问题 4
三、课堂纪律问题的成因 5
(一)学生自身的特点 5
(二)教师对新课标纪律管理认识的偏差 5
(三)教师对课堂的掌控能力欠缺 5
四、解决新课程下课堂纪律管理问题的建议 6
(一)尊重学生和严格要求相结合 6
(二)开放与规范学生行为相结合 6
(三)落实学生主体地位与发挥教师主动作用相结合 8
(四)激励与惩罚相结合 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
新课标要求要充分尊重学生,发挥学生的主动性、积极性,发扬学生个性,让学生成为课堂的主体。它相对于呆滞、死板、封闭的传统教学最大的不同就是课堂“活”起来了,然而它带来巨大意义的同时也带来了一些负面影响。在我们大力发扬改革之风时,出现了一些事与愿违的问题,课堂纪律变的越来越难以控制。课堂上出现一系列问题:提问时因为一些学生的抢答,提问进行不下去;因为学生无关教学内容的提问,课堂陷入热议而失去控制;动手操作时学生多数是在聊天说话等。一节课下来班里一直乱哄哄的,学生一直处于混乱和兴奋中。课堂一直在活跃的氛围中,但是课后却发现,很多在课堂上表现积极活跃的学生并不清楚上节课到底讲了什么内容,学习效果不如人意。在新民小学实习期间,我在二年级讲了《直角的初步认识》一节,课堂上学生表现的都很活跃,她们争着回答我的问题,抢着到黑板上画直角,把书举到我眼下告诉我书的角是直角……一节课下来,虽然我因为要盖过学生的声音而喊的喉咙痛,但是看到一直兴奋活跃的课堂氛围我很高兴,我觉得这节课是成功的。然而结果大出所料,在第二节练习课上,学生做练习的情况让我震惊,她们不但不会画直角,甚至连最基本的直角的判断都没学会。询问后发现第一节课我所提到的知识她们并没有听,我对学生发言的讲评她们也没注意,教学效果极差。可见这样的“活跃”是违背新课标的初衷的。那么什么才是新课标追求的活跃呢?树立正确的新课标课堂管理理念是很重要的。 小学课堂纪律管理活而不乱的新诉求:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_33306.html