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时间:2019-06-25 19:39来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:择业价值观 ;学前教育本科;男生 
Preschool Education Professional study boys' values
——In local undergraduate normal colleges of HeNan province as an example
Abstract:Through questionnaire methods and interviewing methods, the author studied on career values of male undergraduates majoring in preschool education in HeNan. The research results showed that there were not obvious differences of undergraduates majoring preschool education in aspects of sociality and flexibility.Through the comparative analysis of survey data, found that preschool education undergraduate male students' professional values overall more optimistic, but presented the utilitarian tendency, and cannot be correct self-image underestimate the impact on the professional grades. 
Keywords: career values;preschool education for undergraduates; male undergraduates
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、择业价值观的概述    2
(一)大学生择业价值观概念    2
(二)论文研究的意义    2
二、研究设计                                                    2
三、学前教育专业男生择业价值观的现状分析                       3
(一)学前教育专业男生择业价值观的总体特征                             3
(二)学前教育专业男生择业价值观的差异    4
四、学前教育专业男生择业价值观存在的问题    7
    (一)不能正确的自我定位                                               7
    (二)择业价值观功利化                                                 8
    (三)轻视学习成绩与专业素养                                           8
五、学前教育专业男生择业价值观的影响因素    8
    (一)择业目标不明确                                                   8 学前教育专业男生择业价值观研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35156.html