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时间:2019-12-20 15:18来源:毕业论文



 The Interview And Analysis on Normal Major students In-post

Practice From 2016 Year Graduates in Our School

Abstract: In order to improve the results of the on-duty practice in our school in 2016, this paper mainly adopts the methods such as interview and on-the-spot investigation to investigate three aspects of the on-duty practice: the intern attitude towards practice, the basic situation of interns during their internship, the arrangements of practice places which school offered. Results show that most of the interns performed well during the internship, the harvest is quite good. But there are still some problems such as the lack of awareness of internship work, the practice arrangement is not scientific and so on. Then the corresponding solutions for the existing problems are proposed in the end of this paper.

Key words: Education practice; On-duty practice; Normal Major; The interview and analysis

目    录

摘要 1

引言 1

1. 访谈目的 2

2. 访谈内容 2

2.1 访谈对象 2

2.2 访谈方法 3

2.3 访谈问题 3

2.4 访谈状况 3

3. 访谈结果与分析 3

3.1 关于顶岗实习生在实习期间的基本概况 3

3.2 关于顶岗实习生对待实习的看法 5

3.3 关于顶岗实习组织安排的访谈 6

3.4 关于顶岗实习基地的访谈 6

3.5 综合分析 7

4. 完善实习机制的建议 7

5. 结束语 9

参考文献 9

致谢 11


教育实习对师范教育有着重要的意义,是对师范生进行专业技能训练、锻炼独立教学能力的重要途径。通过教育实习可以将日常所学的理论知识在实践中得以应用,使理论与实践相结合[1]。教育实习的方式通常包括集中实习、分散实习、顶岗实习优尔^文-论;文~网www.youerw.com。近年来,对于教育实习的研究颇多,但主要集中在对教育实习现状的探讨[2-3]。这些研究大都表明教育实习中存在以下问题:教育实习方式单一,教育实习基地不足,指导教师数量较少,教育实习管理松懈等问题[4]。通常情况下大多数高校主要采取集中实习和分散实习相结合的模式,因为集中实习存在便于管理,而且学生之间也容易交流、沟通等优点。而分散实习一般是回到母校进行实习,便于调动学生的积极主动性,便于学生与指导老师沟通,会有较多的上课机会。而对于顶岗实习的模式则很少开展,不能满足学生多元化的实习需求。 师范专业顶岗实习状况访谈分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_43680.html
