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时间:2019-12-21 21:36来源:毕业论文



 Problems and Countermeasures of Educational Equality of Migrant Children in China

-- From the Perspective of Government Responsibility


 Along with the acceleration of urbanization process, a large number of surplus rural labor force began flowing into the cities, China's urban and rural structure in the constantly changing, the attendant is the children of migrant workers in the city no longer to "person to go out" but "family outing" into the city, the family settled in more and more obvious, and the proportion of floating children accounted for also increases. Most of these children are at the compulsory education stage. However, the Chinese government in the education of migrant children did not as a responsibility, resulting in our country in dealing with the problems of floating children's education there is a big loophole. Therefore, the compulsory education of migrant children has aroused widespread concern in society.

Key Words:  migrant children;  educational equity;  government responsibility

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一 相关概念及理论基础 1

(一)相关概念介绍 1

(二)相关的研究理论 2

二 流动儿童存在的教育不公平问题 2

(一)流动儿童入学问题难以解决 3

(二)流动儿童难以享受优质的教学资源 3

(三)流动儿童升学困难 4

三 流动儿童教育不公平的主要原因在于政府责任的缺失 4

(一)政府对城乡二元分割的户籍制度改革不到位 4

(二)教育经费体制无保障 5

(三)政府对于教育政策的实施力度不够 5

(四)政府对民办教学等其他教育资源的投入度不高 6

四 政府在解决流动儿童教育不公平问题中的政策 6

(一)政府应加大对户籍制度的改革力度 6

(二)政府应建立以财政拨款为主的教育财政体制,加大对义务教育的投入力度 7

(三)政府应加强对教育政策的实施与监管 7

(四)政府应大力倡导和支持社会力量建立民工子弟学校 8

参考文献 9

致  谢 10 

在农民工子女受教育问题的处理上,政府发挥着关键性的作用,流动儿童的教育公平问题不仅仅关系到城市新市民子女的教育问题,更是关系到整个国家的和谐以及社会的长治久安。所以,流动儿童教育公平的落实,是维护整个国家的和谐以及社会的长治久安的重要举措^优尔`文'论"文www.youerw.com。因此,必须把流动儿童教育不公平问题作为现阶段我国建设社会主义和谐社会的主要任务。 我国流动儿童教育公平问题与对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_43882.html
