Abstract: The “bizi” structure (a Chinese sentence structure used for comparison) is one of the grammar points of great importance in Chinese International Education. Based on the exiting findings on the “bizi” structure of modern Chinese and the language database from HSK dynamic Composition Corpus, the present paper conducts a primary study on the status of foreign students’ usage of “bizi” structure. Six types of errors are discovered on the foreign students’ usage of “bizi” structure, namely, omitting marking words or phrases featured by comparative relations, error order between comparative items, misuse between “bi” words as preposition and that of verb, misplacing negation words and modal verbs in comparative sentences and mixture of various errors. The paper then conducts a simple analysis on the causes of these errors and puts forward several corresponding suggestions and methods for “bizi” structure teaching.
Key words: “bizi” structure; bias; teaching;
《现代汉语词典》中的“比较”,解释为“就两种或两种以上同类的事物鉴别异同或高下。”现代汉语中表示比较的句法形式很多,刘月华老师以比较的方式为出发点将比较句分为两大类:“一类是比较事物、性状同异的;一类是比较程度、性质的差别、高低的。”从语义来看, 第一类属于等比范畴, 如,“和……一样”, “像……,那么(这么)……”;第二类属于差比范畴。本文论述范围仅限于属于差比范畴的“比”字句。
从语义上看,“比”字句包含6个成分:比较主体、比较客体、比较标记词、比较点、比较属性和比较量差。“比”字句的这6个成分可以全部使用,也可以部分省略。“比”字句的完整构式如下面的句子:“我的体重比你的体重重5斤”。其中比较主体是“我”,比较客体是“你”,比较点是“体重”,比较标记词是“比”,比较属性是“重”,比较量差是“5斤”。在大多数句子中,6个成分全部使用的情况相对少,哪些成分可以省略,何时候省,如何安排各要素的顺序等等,这些成了汉语留学生学习汉语的老大难的问题。本文将“比”字句分为三个组成部分:比较项、标记词和比较结果(比较焦点),这是对以上6要素的概括。从句法形式上看,它是由介词“比”构成的介宾结构作状语的主谓结构,是现代汉语中表示差比义的典型句式。其次,“比”字句的功能是通过对两种不同事物或同一事物不同侧面的比较,显示出它们性质的差异。再次,在整理偏误句子的过程中,我们发现汉语留学生在运用“比”字句时往往会出现各种各样的偏误。 比字句偏误分析与教学探究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_57139.html