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时间:2020-08-17 17:48来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Autistic children is a special group. For them, the world only belongs to themselves. So they often present “queer” behavior that other people can not understand. There are many children among them bear the laugh from companions, neighbours and even teachers. After years of study from foreign scholors, the reason why autism come into being is still not explained completely, and the effiective treatment is not raised up. However, most of the scholors and specialists agree that games can not only benefit the development of autistic children’s body, mind, and sociality, but also provide positive influence to autistic children. But at the same time, due to the specificity of autisitic children, their capacity to paly games is low, and various problems will appear during the game. This thesis will take the problems of language barrier, communicating obstacle, narrow interests, repeat stereotypic behaviors, and inattention, which may appear during the games into consideration, and raise up corrseponding strategies.

Keywords:autistic children, infant play, the ability to play, strategy

目  录

1  引言 3

2  相关概念的界定 …3

2.1  自闭症幼儿的概念及特征 3

2.2  幼儿游戏的概念及特点 …4

3  游戏对自闭症幼儿的影响 …4

3.1  身体方面 …5

3.2  心理方面 …5

3.3  社会适应方面 …5

4  当前自闭症幼儿在游戏活动中存在的问题 5

4.1  言语障碍 …5

4.2  社会交往障碍 …5

4.3  兴趣狭窄 …6

4.4  注意力较难集中 6

5  加强自闭症幼儿游戏能力的一些建议 6

5.1  设计一些语言游戏来进行言语训练 6

5.2  通过建立与幼儿安全、认可的关系引导幼儿初步社会交往 6

5.3  引导幼儿发现新游戏,产生新兴趣 7

5.4  趣化的游戏情节能提高自闭症幼儿的注意力 …7

结论  …8

参考文献  …9

致谢   10

1  引言

生活中我们应该都有印象见到过这样的孩子:他们一般缺乏集体意识,总是做着“自己”的事情;鲜于对外界的刺激做出反应,或者对刺激的反应很小;交流能力低下,与身边的人几乎不做交流(包括对话、眼神、肢体接触等)。同时笔者也观察到,幼儿所在班上的教师对他们的教育方法竟也是惊人的一致,便是放任不管。后来,与幼儿相处的过程中我逐渐体会到与这样的孩子交流的确是件非常困难的事情,也慢慢的理解教师这样做的无奈。教室里教师没有很好的办法使幼儿融入班级这个集体中,长此以往便形成了幼儿在班级被忽视的情况。但越是困难越是不能放任自闭症幼儿随波逐流,教师应想方设法让幼儿更好的与人交流,认识社会,耐心地帮助幼儿学习必要的技能,为其未来更好的生活打下基础。 浅谈提高自闭症幼儿游戏能力的策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_58464.html
