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时间:2020-08-26 20:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Emotional Intelligence refers to some non-intellectual factors, such as the quality of student learning, attitudes, feelings, interests and habits. In China, family, school, and society in general emphasis on the intellectual development of children, relatively neglect the Emotional Intelligence development of children. It is found that the situation of most children's EQ is not ideal by using questionnaires and taking the students of Guli Central Primary School in Jiangning District for example to investigate, sort and analyze Primary school students' Emotional Intelligence situation. We found that Primary school students Widespread lack of awareness of their own emotional competence, the ability to regulate their own emotions, self-motivation, the ability to understand other people's emotions, interpersonal problems handling capacity. In this paper, we make suggestions based on the analysis of the reasons that we should update education concepts, improve curriculum, innovative teaching methods, and strengthen various educational force.

Keywords:Primary school students, Emotional Intelligence, current situation, suggestion

目  录

1 前言 3

2 小学生情商状况的调查 3

2.1 调查对象与方法 3

2.2 调查结果与存在问题 3

3 小学生情商问题成因分析 6

3.1 传统教育观念的作用 6

3.2 学校课程体系的弊端 6

3.3 传统教学方式的影响 6

3.4 教师队伍素质的制约 7

3.5 家庭教育对情商培养的缺乏 7

4 加强小学生情商培养的建议 7

4.1 更新教育观念,重视学生情商培养 7

4.2 完善课程设置,加强学生情商培养 8

4.3 创新教学方式,推动学生情商发展 8

4.4 加强教育力量,促进学生情商发展 8

结  论 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 12

附录 小学生情商状况调查问卷 13

1 前言

情商又称情绪智力商数,是相对智商而言的,由美国心理学家彼得·萨拉维和约翰·梅耶尔于20世纪90年代首次提出。美国哈佛大学心理学博士丹尼尔·戈尔曼在他于1995 年出版的《情绪智力》一书中提出情商包括五方面的能力:认识自身情绪的能力、管理自身情绪的能力、自我激励的能力、认识他人情绪的能力、人际关系处理的能力。[1] 小学生情商状况的调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_59211.html
