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时间:2020-09-17 16:53来源:毕业论文

摘  要:小学教师传统的作文教学形式普遍收效不佳,学生往往对作文题目缺乏认同感,对写作无从入手。随着网络技术在教育领域的广泛应用,教师可以尝试将小学作文教学置于网络背景中,运用网络技术引发学生对生活的感知,从而使学生达到我手写我心的程度。本文从素材积累、写作练习、习作讲评三方面探讨网络背景下的小学作文教学,希望引起教师对于网络技术的重视,从而在教学活动中充分利用网络背景资源,在丰富学生的作文思路、拓宽作文交流渠道、不断优化作文评改方式等方面对作文教学方式加以改进,为作文教学注入新的内涵。56100

毕业论文关 键 词:网络环境,小学,作文教学 

Abstract: in the primary school composition teaching, teachers' traditional form of composition teaching is generally poor results, students tend to a composition on the topic the lack of a sense of identity, consider writing content can not start. With the wide application of network technology in the field of education, teachers can try to primary school composition teaching in the network context, in writing teaching in the use of network technology triggered the students perception of life, so as to enable students to achieve the degree of my heart. This paper from the accumulation of material, to explore the composition teaching in primary school under the background of network writing exercises, assignments commenting in three aspects, hoping to attract the attention of teachers to network technology, in the practice of teaching and make full use of the network environment, the composition ideas, broaden the channels of communication, constantly optimize the composition writing ways to the improvement of the teaching method to enrich the students', injected new meaning for composition teaching.

Keywords:network environment, primary school, composition teaching

目  录

1 前言 3

2 网络环境推动小学作文教学改进 3

3 网络环境下小学作文教学改进建议 4

3.1耳濡目染——积淀写作素材 4

3.1.1创设情境 感受素材 4

3.1.2体悟内化 表达素材 5

3.2潜滋暗长——激发写作兴趣 5

3.2.1因势利导 引导启发 6

3.2.2互动协作 不拘一格 6

3.3润物无声——创新讲评方法 7

3.3.1优化方式 多向评价 7

3.3.2开放方式 多元评价 8

结论 9

参考文献 10

1 前言


随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,其在教育领域中的应用也越来越广泛深入。以多媒体网络为核心的信息技术在教学中的广泛应用,也为作文教学注入了新的内涵,有助于充分发挥学生习作主动性,激发学生习作兴趣,并培养学生的信息处理能力,使得学生在习作活动中变被动为主动,在信息环境中,充分获取、分析信息,并交流讨论、合作探究。网络技术与传统的作文教学方法相整合、与新课标的理念相融合,使得从教学内容到教学手段、从教学形式到教学过程都呈现出丰富多样的模式,从而为依托现代网络信息技术促进小学语文作文教学模式的优化带来可能。 论网络环境下小学作文教学:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_60702.html
