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时间:2020-09-18 19:16来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In our country, the alternate-generation is now back in vogue. On one hand the alternate-generation is helping the younger parents who want to go outside to work to fulfill their dreams to solve the problems of raising the children, on the other hand, it also has side-effects on parent-child education. Some disadvantages are showing up, it makes children form self-centered values easily and hinder the development of children’s intelligence. The existence of parent-child estrangement should be focusing on. To reduce the negative effects of inter generational education brings on the development of children, people should be rational to care for children and establish a harmonious relationship with them. To make them grow up healthy and happy, people should look for measures actively to resolve above problems.

Keywords: alternate-generation education, children’s development, negative effects, solutions


1  引言 3

2  我国隔代教育产生的主要原因 3

2.1  问题家庭的增多 3

2.2  有关部门对流动人口子女的教育重视不够 4

2.3  年轻父母缺乏育儿经验 4

3  隔代教育对儿童发展的消极影响 4

3.1  易使儿童以自我为中心 5

3.2  阻碍儿童智能的发展 5

3.3  导致亲子隔阂 6

3.4  易致儿童的心理障碍 6

4  减少隔代教育对儿童发展消极影响的对策 7

4.1  理性地关爱孩子 7

4.2  对祖辈进行再教育 7

4.3  建立融洽的亲子关系 8

4.4  完善流动人口子女教育的政策建设 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

1  引言



不完全隔代教育是指父辈与子女短暂分离,暂时将子女交由祖辈抚养。这种情况多出现在城市家庭,父母由于工作需要暂时出差,并由老人去照料孩子,或者父辈与祖辈生活在一起,共同教育孩子,这时祖辈在某些方面对孩子也会造成一些影响,因此也可称为不完全隔代教育。 浅析隔代教育对儿童发展的消极影响及解决对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_60911.html
