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时间:2020-09-22 10:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Effective teacher- student interaction in the college classroom instruction, which not only can help students learn knowledge and skills, but also can strengthen the ability of students’ independent thinking and i-  nterpersonal communication. But now there is a common phenomenon in our classroom instruction that is cla- ssroom silence, in the classroom you can only hear the voice of teachers, found that students are not willing to have class participation, and the participation is not deep, at the same time, the interaction between teachers a- nd students is less and low quality. There are many factors bringing about this phenomenon,including educational system, college teachers and students themselves. So it is high time to deepen of educational re- form, update teachers’ perception of education and enhance students' learning motivation, which are the main strategies to deal with this problem.

Keywords:College classroom instruction, teacher- student interaction, reasons, strategies

目  录

1 前言 3

2 大学课堂师生互动的内涵及现状 3

2.1 师生互动的内涵 3

2.2 大学课堂师生互动的现状 3

3 大学课堂师生互动缺失的原因分析 4

3.1 制度与环境因素 4

3.2 教师因素 6

3.3 学生因素 8

4 解决大学课堂师生互动缺失问题的策略 9

4.1 制度方面 9

4.2 教师方面 9

4.3 学生方面 11

结  语 12

参考文献 13

1 前言


这样的课堂现状,已引起了国内不少学者的关注,并针对这一现象进行了深入而全面的分析,提出了教师、学生及环境等方面的影响因素。借助他们的一些研究,本文将从大学课堂教学的视角,结合自身的亲身经历,通过课堂观察和个别访谈等途径搜集信息,了解当前教师和学生对于参与课堂教学活动、开展课堂互动的意愿和认识,以此来探寻我国当前大学课堂教学中师生互动缺失问题的原因,探索问题解决的策略,从而帮助促进高校课堂的师生互动,提高教学质量。 当前大学课堂师生互动缺失原因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_61143.html
