摘 要:生活自理能力是儿童独立生活的第一步,是一个人应该具备的最基本的生存技能。幼儿生活自理能力的提高对儿童的体力、智力、个性的形成有促进作用,也是学前儿童形成健康人格的重要前提。在家庭教育中,家长对孩子的娇宠、溺爱现象日益严重,大部分孩子依赖性强,生活自理能力较差。家庭教育在培养学前儿童生活自理能力中存在着教育观念错误、方法不当、途径单一等一系列问题,解决这一问题,需要家长转变家庭教育的观念,运用正确的方法,寻求多种途径,并与幼儿园有效合作,为幼儿自理能力的培养搭建稳定的平台,迅速提高学前儿童的生活自理能力。59302
毕业论文关 键 词:学前儿童,生活自理能力,家庭教育
Abstract:The self-care ability of children is the first step of an independent life, is the most basic survival skills what a person should have. Not only does the infant self-care ability improve the formation of children's physical, mental, personality, but it is also an important prerequisite for preschool children to form a healthy personality. In family education, the phenomenon of parents spoiling child is more and more serious , which devotes most of the children to strong dependence and poor self-care ability. Family education has a series of problems, such as improper methods, wrong educational idea, single way of cultivating life self-care ability in preschool children. To solve this problem, parents need to change the concept of family education, using the correct method, seeking various ways, and make an effective cooperation with kindergarten to provide preschool children with a stable platform to build and improve their self-care ability rapidly.
Keyword: preprimary children, ability of daily life, home education
1 引言 4
2 学前儿童生活自理能力发展的现状 4
3 学前儿童生活自理能力家庭培养中存在的问题 4
3.1 学前儿童生活自理能力家庭培养中的教育观念存在误区 4
3.2 学前儿童生活自理能力家庭培养中的教育方法不当 4
3.2.1 过分溺爱,事事包办 5
3.2.2 缺乏耐心指导 5
3.3 学前儿童生活自理能力家庭培养中的教育途径单一 5
3.4 学前儿童生活自理能力家庭培养中忽视了与幼儿园的合作 6
4 学前儿童生活自理能力家庭培养的策略 7
4.1 转变学前儿童生活自理能力家庭教育的观念 7
4.1.1 尊重并信任儿童,将儿童看作独立成长的个体 7
4.1.2 重视儿童生活自理能力的培养,促进其全面发展 7
4.2 掌握学前儿童生活自理能力家庭教育的方法 8
4.2.1 适度放手,倡导正确的教养方式 8
4.2.2 给予足够的耐心和指导 8
4.3 寻求多种途径促进学前儿童生活自理能力的发展 9
4.3.1 增强学前儿童自我服务的意识 9
4.3.2 提升学前儿童动手操作的能力 9
4.3.3 丰富学前儿童热爱生活的情感 学前儿童生活自理能力培养的家庭策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_64516.html