Abstract: Educational practice is an indispensable part of teachers’ career and an important part of the teachers’ role changes. A serious problems concerning with the practice of normal students in university should be taken into consideration, such as the backward concept of educational practice, short practice time and a few number of practice, the inadequate and unreasonable communication between normal school and practice school, the low teacher qualities of both leading teachers and advisers,the halfhearted attitude of the internships, inadequate preparation of internships, deficient teaching experience of the internships. For this reason, normal colleges and universities should take some measures, such as innovate the educational practice mode, set up the curriculum of normal colleges and universities reasonably and strengthen the internships’ skill training, extend the educational practice time and increase the number of educational practice properly, improve the advisers’ teaching level and teacher qualities, correct internships’ attitude and improve internships’ practice skills. Dealing with these problems well to guarantee the quality of teaching practice and promote the teaching profession better.
Keywords: higher normal colleges and universities,educational practice,problems and measures
目 录
1 前言3
2 调查的设计与安排3
2.1 调查对象与目的3
2.2 调查问卷设计3
3 调查情况梳理3
3.1 实习选择与安排4
3.2 实习准备与进程5
3.3 实习效果6
3.4 教育实习存在的问题及分析7
3.4.2 实习时间短,实习次数少8
3.4.3 师范院校与实习学校沟通、协商不到位8 3.4.4 带队老师和指导老师的教师素养低,难以传道授业解惑8 3.4.5 实习生态度不端正,影响了教育实习效果9
3.4.6 实习生实习准备不充分,导致教学难度大9
3.4.7 实习生教学经验不足,课堂应变能力差9
3.4.8 实习生实习技能不合格10
4 解决高等师范院校教育实习问题的对策10
4.1 提升教育理念,创新教育实习模式10
4.2 合理设置高校的课程,加强师范生的技能训练11
4.3 适当延长教育实习时间,增加教育实习次数11
4.5 端正实习生的实习态度12
4.6 提高实习生的实习技能12
1 前言
教育实习是教师职业生涯中不可或缺的一部分,是教师实现角色转变的重要环节。应届师范毕业生在实践过程中可以学到和领悟各种教学知识和技巧,学到许多宝贵的教学经验和学生管理经验,丰富实习生对教学的感性认识,同时也可以发现自身的某些不尽如人意的地方和师范院校课程设置的不足之处。[1]本文对学院2011级师范生的教育实习情况进行了深入的调查和分析,旨在为进一步提高师范生教育实习质量提供对策。源:自/优尔^-论,文'网·www.youerw.com/ 高等师范院校教育实习问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_68868.html