Abstract: At present, education for children has become a social reality, has become a social concern of education, it is necessary to research the key, but also to promote the rapid development of students. This paper describes the current education for children is a common phenomenon, but also to the inter generational education of the psychological development of students brought some adverse effects, they are reflected in the ancestors for children over indulgent, so as to form a bad character; ignoring the child needs to grow, hinder the development of a; easy to cause conflict, resulting in parent-child alienation, cause interpersonal communication ability is low and so on, should be aware of the pros and cons of the education for children, play in the education for children on family education take advantage, forming force, to find the right balance, run the grandparents school and construct the school bridge and other measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the primary education for children, which can make students can develop happy healthy.
Keywords: every generation of education,primary school students, present situation,negative impacts, countermeasures
1 前言 4
2 隔代教育的现状 4
2.1 隔代教育已成为一个普遍的现象 4
2.2隔代教育家庭背景呈现的三种类型 4
2.3 隔代家庭教育观念多倾向于陈旧 5
2.4 隔代家庭教育方法多偏向于顺从 6
3 隔代教育对小学生心理发展的不利影响 6
3.1 过分溺爱,孩子形成不良的性格 6
3.2 忽略孩童成长需求,阻碍个性发展 6
3.3 容易引发矛盾,造成亲子疏远 7
3.4 造成人际交往能力低下 7
4 隔代教育的问题对策 7
4.1形成家庭教育合力 7
4.2寻找合适的平衡点 8
4.3办好祖辈家长学校 9
4.4构建家校桥梁 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
1 前言
目前,隔代教育日益成为社会非常关注的教育方式,引起众人的研究。如今,随着经济的快速发展,很多年轻的家长都因为自身繁忙的工作而无法好好照顾孩子的生活,更别说尽心教育孩子,还有些则因为离异等原因,无法承担一人照顾孩子的重任。因此,越来越多的隔代教育开始出现,这些教育孩子、照顾孩子的责任都到爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆这些祖父母的身上,他们成为全面照顾第三代的主力。虽然这种现象日益普遍,但是也是利弊均存的,这种隔代教育对于小学生心理发展的影响也是很大的,因此对其进行深入的研究,就更有必要了。这不仅是降低隔代教育对于小学生心理发展产生不良影响的关键,也是促进小学生快速发展的重点。 隔代教育对小学生心理发展的不利影响及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_74756.html