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时间:2022-03-14 22:48来源:毕业论文

摘 要:新教师在刚走进课堂的时候经常遇到教学情绪困境,为教学效果和新教师的专业发展带来不利影响,因而解决这些问题是一个年轻教师成长的重要途径。本研究从自己在中学生物学顶岗实习中实施课堂教学时发现的五次比较典型的与课题相关的实例出发,对这些事例中及未列出的事件中发生的情绪变化进行对比分析,从中发现新教师在课堂上经常发生不利于课堂教学的情绪变化的原因,包括自身原因(教师课前准备、教学经验等)和外界因素(学生反应、外来压力等)两大类。通过文献考察、教学访谈等手段,提出可以从提升自身的信心和应变能力两方面加以改进,促进自身专业素质的提升。78912


Abstract:The new teachers often encountered teaching emotional difficulties when they just beginning their education career, which result in adverse impacts in teaching effectiveness and the professional development of these new teachers。 Thus it is an important way for the development of new teachers to solve this problem。 This study started from five typical examples that I discovered from my biology teaching practice in a high school, which were related to the topic。The study compared and analyzed the emotion changes which appeared in these examples or those have not been listed events to find the reasons for why the new teachers always had emotion changes, which adversed to teaching activities when they were having their lessons。 The reasons include own reasons (The teacher's preparation before class, teaching experience, etc。) and external factors (Students' responses, external pressure, etc。)。 It finally put forward two aspects that the new teachers could tried to improve themselves and expedite the promotion of their professional quality after documental investigation and pedagogical interview, one is to raise their confidence and the other is to raise their strain ability。

Keywords:secondary school, biology, new teacher, emotion

目  录

1 前言 3

1。1 研究现状 3

1。2 教师教学情绪困境的影响 4

2 典型实例 4

2。1 实例一——从小紧张到意犹未尽 5

2。2 实例二——由无力到兴奋:方法转换之后 5

2。3 实例三——承接不顺而导致的混乱 6

2。4 实例四——预设不足而导致的尴尬 6

2。5 实例五——听课者带来的压力 7

3 自我分析 7

3。1 自身的原因 7

3。2 外界因素 9

4 解决方案 10

4。1 充分准备,增加自身信心 10

4。2 增加积累,提升专业素养 11

4。3 注重反思,提升个人素养 12

4。4 关注学生,拉近师生距离 13

结  论 14

参 考 文 献 15

致  谢 16

1 前言

新的教学过程观认为:教学过程不仅是一个特殊的对知识的认识过程,也是一个师生相互讨论、共同交流、一起探索新知以及共享认识成果的一个全面性的活动过程。而在这整个过程中,情感的共通是非常重要的。教师处于教育过程中的主导地位,不论教学过程是教师主体还是学生主体,教师表现出的情感对教育教学潜在的影响都是不可忽视的。因而,要善于控制自己的情感、能够抑制消极的情感,是教师一项基本的职业素质。而在情感调控中,教师尤其要注意的情感调控之一就是教师情绪状态的调控,即教师在教学过程中要注意调控好自己的情绪。积极的教学情绪能使教师处于饱满、振奋、热忱的状态,能更好的感染学生的学习情绪,从而创造一个更好的教学氛围。论文网 中学生物学课堂教学中新教师教学情绪的调整研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91056.html
