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时间:2022-04-02 22:40来源:毕业论文



Using the Local Resources to Create the Characteristic Regional Activities of the Rural Kindergarten

Abstract:Regional activity is an  important organization form for the implementation of inpidualized education in kindergarten。 Rural kindergarten has a unique regional

characteristics, by using local resources to create regional activities, it can only meet the needs of regional activities, but  further promote the development of rural preschool education。 This study probes into the situation of the use of folk art in the Middle School of Huaiyang county by observing and interviewing。 In allusion to the use of "clay dog", a general name of Huaiyang mud toys,which has a unique local flavor of the resources, we carry out a profound investigation on the regional activities of the rural kindergarten。 You are hope to find the bugs in the creation of kindergarten regional activities,  such as unitary contents, antiscience in the material's collection and delivery, and unreasonable space setting。 The specific effective measures are put forward to set up the curriculum, improve the ability of teachers and use the ecological place。 It is intended to facilitate the implementation of the regional activities of kindergarten characteristics and give full play to the role of folk art in the education of local resources。

    Keywords:Local resources;Regional activity;characteristic

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract: 1

一、相关概念的概述 2

(一)概念界定 2

(二)研究意义 2

二、农村幼儿园区域活动利用乡土资源的现状 3

(一)活动内容选择单一化 3

(二)活动材料利用不科学 4

(三)活动空间设置不合理 4

三、分析乡土资源在农村幼儿园区域活动中利用现状的原因 4

(一)缺乏对乡土教育资源的重视 4

(二)缺乏对教师专业能力的培养 5

(三)缺乏对农村生态场所的利用 5

四、利用乡土资源创设农村幼儿园特色区域活动的有效策略 6

(一)重视乡土资源,开发园本课程 6

(二)提高教师能力,加强家园合作 6

(三)扩大活动空间,利用生态场所 7

参考文献 利用乡土资源泥狗创设农村幼儿园特色区域活动研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91860.html
