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时间:2022-08-13 10:33来源:毕业论文



Strategies for the Cultivation of Children's Environmental Awareness in Small Class

-- Take S kindergarten in Zhoukou City as an example

Abstract: the environment is fundamental to the survival of humans, protect the environment is the human survival unshirkable responsibility。 Early childhood is the key stage of human thought and behavior habit, and cultivate the environmental awareness of children, so that children understand the relationship between human and environment accurately, and gradually form good habits of environmental protection。In view of this, based on the observation method, interview method, literature method and questionnaire method, found that kindergarten S environmental education exist the following problems: environmental education goal is not clear; The content of environmental education is not comprehensive; Environmental education way single; The environmental protection facilities; Environmental education and lack of community contact parents。 。 And then put forward the improvement strategy: the environmental education target carries on the reasonable localization; to carry out multi dimensions of environmental education content; to carry out various forms of environmental education activities; increase the running of kindergarten environmental protection facilities; strengthen contact with community, family。

Key words: Kindergarten; Environmental education; Improvement strategy

 目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、幼儿园开展环保教育的必要性 2

二、幼儿园环保教育存在的问题 2

(一)环保教育的目标不明确 2

(二)环保教育的内容不全面 3

(三)开展环保教育的途径单一 3

(四)环保设施不足 4

(五)环保教育缺乏与家长的联系 4

三、幼儿环保教育的有效策略 6

(一)对环保教育的目标进行合理定位 6

(二)开展多维度的环保教育内容 6

(三)开展形式多样的环保教育活动 6

(四)加大幼儿园环保设施的投放 7

(五)加强与社区、家长的联系 8

参考文献 9

附录Ⅰ 10

附录Ⅱ 11

附录Ⅲ 12

致谢 13

幼儿园环保教育存在的问题及改善策略 幼儿园环保教育存在的问题及改善策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97767.html
