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时间:2018-04-14 22:45来源:毕业论文

摘要:  随着通信网络计算机等技术的发展,与货物相关的服务生产呈现全球分段化的趋势。另一方面,服务平台型企业大量涌现,服务范围经济越发重要。在这种背景下,原来的跨国公司业务模式不断发生变化,新型跨国公司和商业模式不断出现,这需要更进一步的贸易自由化和便利化。而我国目前的服务监管体制尚不适应这一趋势。人口红利逐渐消失使得基于人口红利的经济增长变得越来越缓慢。加之世界经济总体形势的疲软,使得中国当前以加工制造业为主的低技能出口受到严重威胁,经济转型迫在眉睫。我国经济版本要升级,需要进一步对外开放。上海作为全国的金融、贸易、航运和物流中心,对中国经济的发展和转型起着示范重任。近十几年来,中国的出口形势虽然大好,仍然有很多的问题需要解决。人民币升值给中国出口带来的压力,严厉的关税监管制度等等因素,对中国的贸易都有着很大的阻碍作用,自贸区的建立,它的种种政策对中国的出口究竟有怎么的影响,本文将详细阐述。21251
毕业论文关键词: 自贸区 对外贸易 出口 影响
Influence Of Experimentation Area Chinese Shanghai Free Trade Area Of The Chinese Export
Abstract: With the development of communication, network, computer technology and related services, goods production to show the global piecewise trend. On the other hand, the service platform for enterprises in large numbers, the scope of service economy is more and more important. In this context, the original Multi-National Corporation business model changes, the new Multi-National Corporation and commercial pattern emerging, it is in need of further trade liberalization and facilitation. At present, service supervision system of our country is not adapt to this trend. The demographic pidend gradually disappear the demographic pidend growth becomes based on more slowly.Coupled with the weak world economy overall situation, the China current in processing and manufacturing primarily low skill exports under serious threat, economic transformation imminent. China's economy version to upgrade, need to further open to the outside world. Shanghai  as the national finance, trade, shipping and logistics center, the China economic development and transition plays a demonstration.recently, althrough the trend of chinese export is brilliant, there are also many probloms to solve.The appreciation of the renminbi to Chinese export pressure, strict customs supervision system and so on, to Chinese trade has a significant impact, the establishment of the FTA, various policy it is how to influence on the Chinese export, this article will elaborate.
Key Words:free trade area ;export;external trade;impact
目  录
绪论    1
一、自由贸易区    2
(一)基本概念    2
(二)自由贸易区基本特征    3
二、建立上海自贸区背景    4
(一)国际背景    4
(二)国内背景    4
三、上海自贸区的政策创新    5
(一)人民币资本项目开放已被提交至自贸区方案中    5
(二)自贸区将争取 15%企业所得税优惠    5
(三)贸易领域将实施创新监管新模式    6
(四)构建离岸金融中心需行政法规创新    6
(五)借自贸东风 国际航运中心建设或有新突破    6
四、我国出口贸易现状    7
(一)我国出口贸易现状分析    7
1.口贸易规模迅速扩张    7
2.出口贸易市场多元化取得进展    8
3.与一般贸易相比,加工贸易出口稳定增长    8 中国上海自由贸易实验区对中国出口的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_13375.html