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时间:2023-03-29 23:02来源:毕业论文
Apple Pay与我国主流移动支付方式对比研究。从我国移动支付产业的现状入手,比较Apple Pay与国内主流移动支付方式的差异。通过问卷对我国消费者选择移动支付方式的主要因素进行调查

摘要随着我国4G技术的发展和普及,移动支付凭借其移动性、便捷性、及时性的强大优势,改变了我国传统支付方式。我国移动支付主要由NFC支付(代表为银联、运营商),和二维码、声波支付(代表为支付宝、财付通)两种方式组成。2017年移动支付已然成为各大互联网企业的必争之地。2016年2月18日凌晨5点,Apple Pay在中国正式上线,中国成为亚洲首个、全球第五个开通Apple Pay服务的国家,该服务现阶段已覆盖包括四大行在内的58家银行。相较于以前的第三方支付产品,苹果支付主打更加便捷、更加安全。其与支付宝财付通之间的竞争的实质是以支付便捷性,安全性挑战现有用户支付习惯。88102

苹果手机用户数在我国手机用户排行第二,而银联支持NFC的“闪付”终端占据中国NFC功能POS机最大市场。他们之间的联盟可以说是将苹果品牌影响力以及以使用人群覆盖面广的优势植入到银联的移动支付土壤中。两者强强联合能否改变我国目前移动支付格局?本文将从我国移动支付产业的现状入手,比较Apple Pay与国内主流移动支付方式的差异。通过问卷对我国消费者选择移动支付方式的主要因素进行调查,分析两类移动支付方式使用人群画像的差异,研究我国消费者对移动支付市场的真实需求以及对Apple Pay的满意程度,从而得出苹果支付对我国移动支付产业,特别是近场支付市场的影响的结论,为我国移动支付产业的健康发展提出建议。源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:Apple Pay ;移动支付产业 ;主流移动支付方式 ;支付宝

Abstract With the development and popularization of 4G technology in China, mobile payment has changed the traditional payment method of our country by virtue of its strong advantage of mobility, convenience and timeliness。 China's mobile payment mainly by the NFC payment (on behalf of the Union Pay, operators), and two-dimensional code, acoustic payment (on behalf of Ali Pay, Ten Pay) two ways。 2017 mobile payment has become a major Internet companies battleground。 At 5:00 on February 18, 2016, Apple Pay officially launched in China, China became the first in Asia, the world's fifth Apple Pay service to open the country, the service has covered at this stage, including four lines, including 58 banks The Compared to the previous third-party payment products, Apple pay the main more convenient and more secure。 The essence of competition with Ali Pay, Ten Pay is to pay for the convenience of security, the existing user to pay the habit of security。

Apple mobile phone users ranked second in China's mobile phone users, and CUP support NFC's "flash" terminal to occupy the largest market of China's NFC POS machines。 The alliance between them can be said to be the influence of the Apple brand and the use of the crowd to cover the wide range of implantation into the Union Pay mobile payment soil。 Whether the combination of the two strong change in China's current mobile payment pattern? This article will start from the status quo of China's mobile payment industry, compare Apple Pay and domestic mainstream mobile payment differences。 This paper analyzes the main factors of consumers' choice of mobile payment by questionnaires, analyzes the differences between the two types of mobile payment methods, studies the real needs of consumers in China and the satisfaction of Apple Pay Apple to pay for China's mobile payment industry, especially the impact of the near-field payment market for the healthy development of China's mobile payment industry to make recommendations。

Keyword: Apple Pay;  mobile payment industry;  mainstream mobile payment;  Ali pay

目    录From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766 ApplePay与我国主流移动支付方式对比研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_154054.html
