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时间:2022-05-24 21:00来源:毕业论文



The impact and Countermeasure research of Internet finance on the traditional business of China's commercial Banks

Abstract: Since 2016, the phone has become almost life necessities, Internet finance come into people's lives quietly, the arrival of large data era accelerates the impact of Internet banking on the traditional banking business。 Through the simple mobile phone ,people can complete something easiliy which need to be done in the commercial bank hall。 the first step of Internet finance development process is to facilitate the operation of generated e-commerce, then step by step to the depths of development, continue to derive the investment and financial management, on behalf of the payment and other financial aspects。 This paper analyzes the

 future of China's traditional commercial banks through the analysis of Internet finance and its products, and tries to provide valuable suggestions on the future development of traditional Chinese banks through the comparative study of their competitive business。 We can easily find that commercial banks as a nearly 100 years of history of the industry, their own have some irreplaceable things in the total assets, so they still have a huge advantage。 In a short time, the traditional commercial banks will still dominate China's financial industry, but in the long run, the reform must be carried out, commercial banks should be combined with the rapid development of the rational use of the Internet and large data technology, In their own advantages and control of risk at the same time, taking a self-innovation movement to promote the development of China's financial industry。

Key words: Internet finance, third-party payments, network credit, commercial Banks


一、 绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究内容 1

(三)研究意义 2

(四)国内外文献综述 2

(五)研究方法 3

二、互联网金融概述 3

(一)互联网金融 3

(二)互联网金融模式 4

三、 互联网金融对传统商业银行业务的影响 7

(一)基于SWTO模型下对传统商业银行竞争环境分析 互联网金融发展对中国商业银行传统业务的影响与对策研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_94218.html
