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时间:2022-10-09 22:20来源:毕业论文





Abstract From the point of view of artificial intelligence, rough set is one kind of the mathematical tools which simulate the human thinking to solve the problems about inaccurate information。 However, with the increasing of the data set and data complexity, traditional rough set theory can be no longer adapted to solve the real engineering application problems。 Therefore, we should expand the traditional rough set model to solve this problem。 In this paper, two different viewpoints are considered, they are test cost sensitivity and sample selection。 By studying rough data set model and attribute reduction in terms such two viewpoints, the following research results are obtained:

1。 A fuzzy set attribute reduction based on test cost。 Fuzzy set is one kind of the mathematical tools which deals with problems of continuous data。 However, the classification and reduction in data set can generate test cost。 To solve this problem, by putting the test cost as a target of evaluating, a fuzzy set attribute reduction based on test cost is improved。 The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can get a reduction of least test cost which remains the approximate quality。 

2。 A heuristic attribute reduction algorithm which based on sample selection。 Heuristic attribute reduction algorithm with greedy strategy is one of the widely used approaches to compute reduct。 Traditional heuristic algorithm used all of the samples in the information system。 However, it should be noticed that given a data set, different samples contribute different importances to find reduct, it follows that the time efficiency of the heuristic attribute reduction algorithm suffers from the redundant samples。 To solve such problem, a heuristic attribute reduction algorithm based on sample selection is proposed。 The algorithm is composed by three stages: firstly, the most informative samples are selected; secondly, a new information system is formed by using these selected samples; finally, one of the reducts can be computed by using heuristic algorithm。 The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can efficiently reduce the computational time。

Keywords: Attribute reduction; Test-cost sensitivity; Sample selection; Rough set

目  录

第一章 绪论 粗糙集的特征选择及其分类研究+源程序+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_100202.html
