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时间:2022-12-06 18:50来源:毕业论文
手机android端使用谷歌公司开发的android studio软件进行应用程序软件开发,智能车系统端使用的是ARM公司开发的cotexM0+系列的kl26芯片微处理器为控制单元


手机android端使用谷歌公司开发的android studio软件进行应用程序软件开发,智能车系统端使用的是ARM公司开发的cotexM0+系列的kl26芯片微处理器为控制单元,经过一定的测试,系统能够稳定的实现。



Abstract In this era of prevalence of the Internet of things now,companies developing with artificial intelligence and more close to the concept of life。Android as popular handheld devices,more and more manufacturers also has a great interest on android devices,Based on the android surveillance equipment also gradually be used up。Android bluetooth 4。0, with its low power consumption and high transmission performance has also been gradually used up。This topic is the study of the smart car and the development of the android bluetooth monitor app。Android handheld terminal to the receiver in the system, through the android bluetooth connected to the smart car。some of the smart car state transfer to mobile phone android in the process of the intelligent car driving。Then smart android mobile real-time monitoring the car function。The subject of research for bluetooth car electronics, bluetooth phone nanny instrument provides a certain reference significance。

The development is based on the android studio software which was development by Google company。Smart car system with freescale KL26ARM architecture M0 + microcontroller as the core control unit, in IAR7。1 development environment using C language for software development。The realization of the system is able to stable after some test。

This paper introduces the functions of the intelligent car and android bluetooth monitor app。 And related hardware, software design and the principle of simple instructions。About including smart car General structure ,important hardware module is introduced, the brief description of circuit design, the design of intelligent car software, android app development and debugging of the system。

Keywords:Smartcar;android;Bluetooth;Bluetooth transmission system;


第一章  绪论 1

1。1研究背景及意义 1

1。2飞思卡尔智能车比赛介绍 2

1。3国内外研究现状 2

第二章设计方案说明 4

2。1本课题研究的主要内容 4

2。2智能车总体结构的设计 4

2。2。1车模选择 5

2。2。2舵机的安装 6

2。2。3智能车前轮定位的调整 android智能小车及蓝牙车辆状态监控APP开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_106855.html
