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时间:2018-03-30 20:48来源:毕业论文

摘要:    随着现代科技日新月异的发展,计算机技术与生活的联系也变得越来越紧密,许多曾经不能实现的事情都因为有了网络和计算机变得简单,快捷。这一应用也对于人们日常的机票预定有着非同寻常的改变。机票预定系统就因此而产生了,我们可以通过这个系统足不出户地进行机票的预定,这对于用户、对于管理员而言都是极为有意义的进步。
依据实际情况,本系统采用Visual Studio2013作为编程工具,利用SQL Server 2008作为数据库管理工具,使整个系统更为灵活,操作更为简便。
关键词:    机票预定;数据库;SQL语言;Visual Studio2013;SQL Server 2008
Air Ticket Reservation System
Abstract:  With the development of modern science and technology, computer technology is becoming more and more closely contact with life. Because of the development of the network and computer, something impossible in the past has become simple and fast. The application for people’s daily ticket booking has a remarkable change. Air ticket booking system is thus produced. We can book air ticket through this system without leaving home. This is a meaningful change for everyone.
This system has realized the people for the operation of the flight reservation, to the airport staff and customers booking ticket related content and management system, including the user for ticket query, booking, leaving a message, and other functions; administrator for accounts, ticketing, member and order management functions. The system improves the efficiency of the whole of the reservation process.
According to the actual situation, this system uses the Visual Studio2013 as the programming tool and uses the SQL Server 2008 as the database management tools to make the whole system more flexible and more convenient.  
Keywords:    Ticket Reservation; database; SQL language; Visual Studio2013;SQL Server 2008
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
1.3    发展趋势    3
2    分析    4
2.1    可行性分析    4
2.1.1    技术可行性    4
2.1.2    经济可行性    4
2.1.3    操作可行性    5
2.2    需求分析    5
2.2.1    系统硬件需求    5
2.2.2    系统软件需求    6
2.2.3    系统功能需求    7
2.3    编程思想及编程语言分析    8
3    设计    10
3.1    系统流程设计    10
3.1.1    用户处理流程    10
3.1.2    管理员处理流程    11
3.2    系统功能模块结构设计    11
3.3    数据库设计    12
3.3.1    数据库概要设计    12
3.3.2    数据库详细设计    15
3.4    系统前台设计    17 ASP.net+sqlserver机票预定系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_12154.html