Abstract "Battery car Invoicing System" mainly related to procurement purchasing, sales, inventory management and other business sectors。 It helps enable enterprise inventory management。 Purchasing management is the most important part of the system, a system must include efficient and accurate inventory of Purchasing Management Module。
The system realizes the function of purchasing electric vehicles Invoicing System, using MyEclipse as a development platform, MySQL as the database, using JavaScript and CSS design reception, data submission page using AJAX, asynchronous submission giving users a better experience with a Servlet for background control 。 System is mainly to achieve the company's suppliers, customers, materials, basic data warehouse maintenance,the company's basic information and information management staff and top Release purchase orders, goods receipt based on purchase orders, receiving a single audit, as well as income finished goods purchase orders were closed, recording information warehouses and other major features。
This paper introduces the development platform and related technologies, and then analyzed the needs of the project, the final overall design and detailed design of the system, and a systematic test。
Key words: Invoicing system; Purchasing Management; MySQL ; Servlet
第一章 绪 论 1
1。1 引言 1
1。2 系统的开发背景 1
1。3 系统的研究意义 1
第二章 开发平台及相关技术 3
2。1 JavaScript技术简介 3
2。2 Ajax技术概述 3
2。3 JSP语言简介 3
2。4 Java技术概述 3
第三章 需求分析 4
3。1 功能需求 4
3。1。1本系统具有以下功能 4
3。2 用例描述 5
3。2。1新增供货商 5
3。2。2新增公司客户 5
3。2。3新增公司物料信息 6
3。2。4新增公司仓库信息 7
3。2。5下达采购订单 7
3。2。6修改采购订单 8
3。2。7审核采购订单 9
3。2。8下达收货单(有采购订单) java+mysql电瓶车进销存采购子系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_124026.html