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时间:2023-01-31 23:01来源:毕业论文

摘 要科学技术是国家软实力的象征,可以让国家富强昌盛,而教育则可以培养科学技术人才,提高科学技术的基础。改革开放以来,党和国家领导人都非常重视教育,培养顶尖技术人才,实现强国梦,中国梦。87277

 Abstract  Science and technology is a symbol of national soft power, that can make the country prosperous and strong, education can cultivate science and technology talent, it is the basis of improving science and technology。 Since the reform and opening up, the party and state leaders have attached great importance to education, training top technical talent, realizing the dream of power, China dream。
As to students , school is the second home, where students cognitive, grow, learn the necessary knowledge of life, you can shape into the ability to have ideas, wisdom, aspiring young。 And the daily management of the students is very important。 As the old saying goes: "no rules, not a radius," it tells the truth。
As people entered the information age, the student information management becomes more and more complex, manual processing is often inefficient and error prone and the most important is likely to cause some unpredictable consequences, we want to design a student information system, to avoid the disadvantages of pure manual operation, so use Myeclipse as a development platform, with its powerful component, according to the students' daily management such as: curriculum management, performance management, payment management and teachers' information, business information and other curriculum design, with B/S structure and the open source database system, you can easily complete the student information management, which can make the school save energy, strengthen the education and training of students 。

Keywords: student; system; b/s; development
目 录
第一章 绪论   1
1。1 研究背景   1
1。2 国内外现状   1
1。3 主要研究内容   1
1。4 研究意义   2
第二章 相关技术   3
2。1 JSP技术简介   3
2。2 系统使用的编程语言   3
2。3 Mysql数据库简介   3
第三章 可行性分析   4
3。1 操作可行性   4
3。2 技术可行性   4
3。3 经济可行性   4
3。4 法律可行性   4
第四章 需求分析   5
4。1 需求背景分析   5
4。2 功能需求分析   5
4。3 参与者分析   5
4。3。1 用户用例分析   6
4。3。2 管理员用例分析   6
4。4 非功能需求分析   7
4。4。1 性能需求   7
4。4。2 安全需求   7
4。4。3 可靠性需求   7 Java的学生信息管理系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_131448.html