Abstract: Smart watches function mainly includes the time display, temperature/humidity acquisition, measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, and other functions, ever watch a single function can't satisfy people's needs。 To realize intelligent watches, first in terms of hardware for temperature/humidity sensor can be used, the blood pressure and heart rate acquisition chips, soft water on hardware initialization code, using C language use including C/OS create tasks in the system method to solve the problem of multiple tasks concurrent processing, using the message mailbox can efficiently solve the problem of transmit/receive information, exclusive semaphore can be used to solve system take the resources in question。 The final system is run and downloaded on the development board in Keil。
Keywords:sensor,The C language,µC/OS,Keil
1绪论 5
1。1开发背景与现状 5
1。2开发本系统的意义 5
1。3目标 5
1。4论文组织结构 6
2开发平台介绍 6
2。1Keil 7
2。2µC/OS系统 7
2。3C语言 7
3系统分析 8
3。1需求与分析 8
3。2可行性分析 8
4系统概要设计 9
4。1系统总体设计 9
4。2统功能设计 10
5详细设计 10
5。1按键模块 10
5。2马达模块 12
5。3LED指示灯模块 12
5。4OLED显示屏 12
5。5RTC时钟 16
5。6UART串口模块 17
5。7温/湿度采集 18
6软件任务与信息处理 19
6。1任务创建 19
6。2信息处理 20
6。3共有资源访问 20
7界面显示实现 21
7。1界面显示分析 21
7。2界面显示实现 21
8用户测试环境搭建 22
8。1修改或查看代码 22
8。2代码下载器 23
9界面显示与使用方法 23