摘 要:中国饮食文化博大精深,早在两千六百多年前就有人提出“民以食为天”。顺应时代的发展,“互联网+美食”成为了饮食业的风向标。基于Android的美食app的设计与实现符合现代市场发展需求。名为美食栈的美食App主要有首页、吃货秀、美食购、个人中心四大功能模块,集查询菜谱做法、分享心得体会、网上点餐、商家和用户注册登录等使用功能于一体,给用户良好的体验,使用户能真正地享受到美食带来的乐趣。本文主要从Android端和后台端涉及到的主要技术,需求分析,数据库、Android端和后台端的设计等几个方面进行说明。91359
Abstract: Chinese food culture is quite extensive and profound, more than two thousand and six hundred years ago, people put forward the idea that “hunger breeds discontentment”。 To keep pace with the trend of times, “Internet plus delicacy” has become the leader of food industry。 The design and realization of Food App based on Android satisfied the demands of modern markets。 The Food App called Food Store mainly contains four function modules, including home, foodies’ show, shopping, personal center。 This Food App integrated the querying recipes practice, sharing experiences and comments, reserving food online and the registering and logging onto the App by users and sellers, which make it possible for the users to have a good shopping experience and enjoy themselves while using this Food App。 This thesis makes an introduction on the Food App from key technologies, database, Android client and back end involved in its Android-side and Web-side,as well as demand analysis。
Key words: Food App, Android, Internet plus delicacy
目 录
1引言 4
2安卓端涉及到的技术 4
2。1购物车和订单 4
2。2框架Butterknife 4
2。3图片加载库Glide 5
2。4开源框架Gson 5
2。5网络数据请求Volley框架 5
2。6自定义控件之圆形头像 5
3后台端涉及到的技术 6
3。1框架SSM 6
3。2常用的工具包 6
4系统分析 7
4。1研究目标 7
4。2开发环境 7
4。3具体要求 7
4。4需求分析 8
5数据库设计 10
5。1概念设计 11
5。2逻辑设计 15
6安卓客户端设计 19
6。1软件功能图 19
6。2界面设计 20
6。3目录结构 25
6。4特色功能展示 26
7后台数据处理端设计 28
7。1软件功能图 28
7。2界面设计 29
7。3目录结构 31
结 论 Android的美食App的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_198812.html