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时间:2023-12-23 20:13来源:毕业论文

摘要: 随着社会的发展,网络的普及,信息成为了非常有价值的财富。所以收集信息就变成了获得财富的高效途径。很多企业必须借助大批的信息来掌握用户的具体需求,以往的方法是组织大量的问卷调查,邀请人们来参与调查,进行信息的统计和调查结果分析,这样对于问卷的设计者来说,调查的结果的统计是非常复杂的,并且用户在填写问卷时经常敷衍了事,为了改变问卷调查的低效率,设计了一套网上问卷调查系统。92216




Abstract:With the development of society and the popularity of the Internet, information has become a very valuable asset。 So gathering information becomes an efficient way to acquire wealth。 Many enterprises must borrow a large amount of information to help understand the specific needs of users, the previous method is the organization of a questionnaire survey, invited people to participate in the investigation and analysis of information statistics and survey results, such as questionnaire designer, survey statistics is very complex, and users often do things carelessly fill in the questionnaire, in order to change the low efficiency of the questionnaire survey, design a set of online survey system。

This system has realized the questionnaire writing, the questionnaire publication, the user information feedback statistics。 If the respondents can access the Internet, then the system can completely replace the traditional human questionnaire survey。 Low cost, convenient, quick, efficient and rich information feedback is realized。源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766

This system development uses the MyEclipse to carry on the development, has deployed Tomcat in the MyEclipse, the database used MySQL2005。 J2EE technology is used to design the main page。

Key words: Questionnaire,  collect information, B/S structure,information feedback

目   录

1。引言 4

1。1 系统开发背景及现状 4

1。2 系统开发意义与目标 4

1。3 系统开发工具简介 4

1。4 开发环境简介 5

2。系统的分析与设计 6

2。1 可行性分析 6

2。2 性能需求 7

2。3 系统功能需求 7

2。4 设计的基本思想 9

2。5 数据库分析与设计 9

3。系统功能实现 15

3。1 登录界面 15

3。2 总体功能模块 15

3。3 普通用户模块 23

4。系统测试 26

4。1 系统测试目的与意义 26

4。2 测试过程 26

4。3 其他错误 27

结束语 28

参考文献 jspl网上问卷系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_199845.html
