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时间:2024-05-06 22:26来源:95299
The system uses RFID tags to replace traditional paper policies, it is easy to operate and manage, and save resources. Software management module improves the speed of claims business, the system has

The system uses RFID tags to replace traditional paper policies, it is easy to operate and manage, and save resources. Software management module improves the speed of claims business, the system has the characteristics of easily operation and friendly interface. Through the system, you can very intelligently and easily to manage the entire insurance claims process. The use of RFID technology can simplify the complicated process of insurance claims, combined with the software management module, to make information

management more concise and convenient, so that not only the entire claims process clear and transparent, but also allow more people to accept the insurance claims this process, Which can better promote RFID technology, while making insurance claims better for people to serve.

Keywords:RFID; Insurance; Claims; Management system


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.3研究内容 3

1.4论文的组织结构 4

第二章相关技术介绍 6

2.1关键技术 6

2.1.1射频识别(RFID)技术 6

2.1.2串口通信 7

2.1.3串行通信协议 7

2.1.4串行通信的基本参数 8

2.1.5实现串行通信多种方法 8

2.1.6SerialPort类 9

2.2开发语言与开发环境简介 10

2.2.1 C#语言和.NETFramework 10

2.2.2 VisualStudio2013简介 11

第三章系统分析与设计 12

3.1系统概述 12

3.2系统需求分析 13

3.2.1功能需求分析 13

3.2.2性能需求分析 14

3.3系统需求建模 14

3.4保险理赔系统分析与设计 19

3.4.1静态结构模型 19

3.4.2系统动态模型 21

第四章系统实现 28

4.1系统开发环境及工具 28

4.2RFID硬件感知模块 28

4.2.1RFID硬件设备介绍 28

4.2.2库函数功能说明 28

4.2.3串口通信实现 29

4.3系统软件的管理功能实现 32

4.3.1登录功能的实现 32

4.3.2信息管理功能的实现 33

第五章系统测试 41

5.1测试范围与主要内容 41

5.2测试用例 41

5.2.1登录模块测试用例 41

5.2.2业务员信息模块测试用例 42

5.2.3理赔中心确认额度模块测试用例 43

5.3测试结论 基于RFID的智能保险理赔系统设计(2):http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_203678.html
