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时间:2018-10-29 20:17来源:毕业论文

Study of cross-modal hashing with Semantic Correlation Maximization retrieval
Abstract:For the rapid development of information technology in this time, various image acquisition devices become popular. A large number of images are collected today. How to manage and retrieve a large amount of image data is a problem worthy of study. This article in view of the cross-modal hashing retrieval background briefly, then make a review about the current situation and development. Main research relates to three algorithms: Canonical Correlation Analysis(CCA), Semantic Correlation Maximization Learning for Orthogonal Projection(SCM-Orth), Semantic Correlation Maximization Sequential Learning for Non-Orthogonal Projection(SCM-Seq). In this article, the above algorithm is introduced and implemented, the algorithms are compared on several data sets, and on this basis, the algorithms are improved and realized.
Key words: cross-modal; hashing; Canonical Correlation Analysis; hashing with Semantic Correlation Maximization
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
1.绪论    1
1.1  研究意义    1
1.2    国内外研究现状    2
1.3  研究目的与内容    4
1.4  论文组织结构    4
2  算法研究预备知识    4
2.1  拉格朗日乘子法    4
2.2  矩阵的迹的性质及求导法则    5
3  算法阐述实现    5
3.1  典型相关分析(CCA)    5
3.2  语义最大化哈希(SCM)方法标记与问题定义    7
3.3  正交投影学习的语义关联最大化(SCM-Orth)[1]    8
3.3.1  模型构建    8
3.3.2  算法简述    8
3.4  非正交投影连续学习的语义关联最大化(SCM-Seq)[1]    9
4  基于CCA和SCM的算法改进    10
4.1  算法改进思路    10
4.2  SCM-Orth算法修改为SCM-Orth-dCCA的详细步骤与推导    11
4.3  SCM-Seq算法改进为SCM-Seq-dCCA简述    13
5  训练算法实现流程    13
5.1  典型相关分析(CCA)    13
5.2  正交投影学习的语义关联最大化哈希(SCM-Orth)    13
5.3  非正交投影连续学习的语义关联最大化哈希(SCM-Seq)    14
5.4  SCM-Orth改进算法SCM-Orth-dCCA    15
5.5  SCM-Seq改进算法SCM-Seq-dCCA    15
6  实验与分析对比    16
6.1  数据集来源    16
6.1.1  Wiki Data-set数据集    16
6.1.2  NUS-WIDE数据集    16
6.2  数据集选取    16
6.3  算法测试评价标准    17 语义关联最大化的跨模态哈希检索算法研究+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_25243.html