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时间:2018-12-15 20:32来源:毕业论文
用户登陆,产品管理,员工管理,销售管理以及仓库管理。系统主要包括两个方面系统:前台应用程序的开发以及后台数据库的建立和维护。采用Visual Studio 2008进行前端开发,SQL Server

摘要: 随着我国经济迅速发展,超市已成为零售业的一种主要形式。超市的发展使得管理变得复杂,而原有的人工管理大量的复杂的数据已经无法满足需求。为了能在日趋激烈的零售行业站稳脚跟,就要顺应时代潮流,采用信息化的方式。一个好的进销存管理对超市来说至关重要,能够最方便地提供消费者所需购买的物品,详细准确地记录商品的不同种类,只有这样,超市才会得到顾客认可,吸引更多顾客来超市进行选购。如果用计算机管理整个超市的进货、销售、以及仓库情况,就能达到这样一个目的,大大提高了员工效率,增加了超市效益。31508
这次设计的系统包含了五个模块:用户登陆,产品管理,员工管理,销售管理以及仓库管理。系统主要包括两个方面系统:前台应用程序的开发以及后台数据库的建立和文护。采用Visual Studio 2008进行前端开发,SQL Server2008作为后端开发工具。
毕业论文关键词:进销存;数据库;C#;SQL Server
Abstract:  With the development of our rapid national economy, the supermarket has become a primary form of retail trade. The development of supermarket makes management more complicate, so original labor control of a large number of complex data has not meet needs any longer. For the sake of gaining a firm foothold in increasingly fierce retail trade, we have to follow the trend of the times and adopt an information-based way. A good purchase-sell-stock management is crucial for a supermarket, which can offer consumers what they want to buy conveniently and record different kinds of goods precisely. Only in this way can the supermarket win the approval of the customers, which attracts more customers to go to supermarkets to purchase goods. If computers are used to manage purchase, sale, stock of the whole supermarket, a goal will be achieved, which improves efficiency of employees largely and increases benefits of the supermarket largely.    
This designed system includes five modules: user login,goods management,staff management,sales management and stock management.This system mainly includes two aspects:the development of foreground applications as well as the establishment and maintenance of the background database.This system adopts Visual Studio 2008 as front-end development tool and uses SQL Server2008 as back-end development tool.
Keywords: Purchase-sell-stock; Database; C#; SQL Server
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题的目的和意义    2
1.2 国内外研究现状和水平    2
1.3 发展趋势    3
1.4 系统运行环境    4
1.5 系统可行性分析    4
1.5.1 经济上的可行性    4
1.5.2 技术上的可行性    5
1.5.3 操作上的可行性    5
2 需求分析    6
2.1 功能规格    6
2.1.2 角色定义    6
2.2 用例    7
2.2.1 用例图    7
2.2.2 用例描述    10
2.2.3 用例设计    12
3 设计    18
3.1 数据库的概念结构设计    18
3.1.1 各实体间的关系E-R图    18
3.2 数据库的逻辑结构设计    19
3.2.1 员工信息管理表    19
3.2.2 商品记录表    19
3.2.3 商品仓库信息表    20
3.2.4 销售商品记录表    20
3.2.5 商品分类表    21
3.2.6 用户表    21
3.3 功能模块设计    22 C#+SQLServer超市进销存系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_27699.html