Dim num_total As Integer
Dim gcj2() As Single, fwj() As Single, xj As String, xj1 As Variant, zx() As Single, zy() As Single
Dim X() As Single, Y() As Single, fx As Single, fy As Single, fs As Single, k As Single, vx() As Single, vy() As Single
Private Sub CLEAR_Click()
'Text1.Text = "": Text2.Text = "": Text3.Text = "": Text4.Text = "":Text5.Text = "": Text6.Text = ""
Text9.Text = "": Text10.Text = "": Text11.Text = "": Text12.Text = ""
Text13.Text = "": Text14.Text = "": Text15.Text = "": Text7.Text = "": Text8.Text = ""
Text16.Text = "": Text17.Text = "": Text18.Text = "": Text19.Text = ""
Text20.Text = "": Text21.Text = "": Text22.Text = "": Text23.Text = ""
Text24.Text = "": Text25.Text = "": Text26.Text = "": Text27.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub CLEAR1_Click()
'Text1.Text = "": Text2.Text = "": Text3.Text = "": Text4.Text = "":Text5.Text = "": Text6.Text = ""
Text9.Text = "": Text10.Text = "": Text11.Text = "": Text12.Text = ""
Text13.Text = "": Text14.Text = "": Text15.Text = "": Text7.Text = "": Text8.Text = ""
Text16.Text = "": Text17.Text = "": Text18.Text = "": Text19.Text = ""
Text20.Text = "": Text21.Text = "": Text22.Text = "": Text23.Text = ""
Text24.Text = "": Text25.Text = "": Text26.Text = "": Text27.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim gcj As String, gcj1 As Variant, s As Single, s1 As Single, shmo As Single, fb As Single, v As Single
Dim sxj As Single, fx1 As Single, fy1 As Single, fb1 As Single
Text9.Text = ""
Text10.Text = ""
Text11.Text = ""
Text12.Text = ""
Text13.Text = ""
Text22.Text = ""
Text23.Text = ""
Text26.Text = Str(Val(Text2.Text) - Val(Text1.Text))
Text27.Text = Str(Val(Text4.Text) - Val(Text3.Text))
If Right(Text7.Text, 2) = vbCrLf Then
Text7.Text = Left(Text7.Text, Len(Text7.Text) - 2)
End If '删除空白行
gcj = Text7.Text
gcj1 = Split(gcj, vbCrLf)
If Right(Text8.Text, 2) = vbCrLf Then
Text8.Text = Left(Text8.Text, Len(Text8.Text) - 2)
End If
xj = Text8.Text
xj1 = Split(xj, vbCrLf)
'Print (UBound(gcj1) + 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(gcj1)
s = s + huadu(Val(gcj1(i)))
s1 = zhuanhua(s)
Text19.Text = Str(s1)
shmo = huadu(Val(Text6.Text)) - huadu(Val(Text5.Text))
Text21.Text = Format(Str(zhuanhua(shmo)), "###.0000")
fb = s - shmo
If fb > 0 Then
fb = fb - (UBound(gcj1) + 1) * 180
fb = fb + (UBound(gcj1) + 1) * 180
End If
fb1 = Fix(zhuanhua(fb) * 10000)
Text14.Text = Str(fb1)
v = (-fb) / (UBound(gcj1) + 1)
ReDim gcj2(UBound(gcj1)), fwj(UBound(gcj1) + 1), zx(UBound(gcj1)), zy(UBound(gcj1))
fwj(0) = Val(huadu(Text5.Text))
For i = 0 To UBound(gcj1)
gcj2(i) = huadu(Val(gcj1(i))) + v
fwj(i + 1) = fwj(i) + gcj2(i) - 180 测量基本计算软件包设计+源代码(2):http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_41549.html