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时间:2020-04-18 15:24来源:毕业论文



关键词  人脸识别  特征抽取 典型相关分析 核方法 旋转变换


Title   Research on Feature Fusion Algorithm Based on Improved Canonical Correlation Analysis                   


In the processing of face images, we usually use the data analysis tools to find the underlying relations in data. As an extraction method based on two groups of features,Canonical Correlation Analysis(CCA) can better reveal the inner relations between two variates. Recently, CCA has been widely used in multiple feature fusion and extraction and it has achieved a series of achievements.The basic idea of CCA is: firstly, establish correlation criterion function between two groups of features; then extract the correlation feature of each data; finally,  obtain the combined correlation feature, which is used in image classification.

In this paper, we focus on the study of CCA and propose several improved algorithms . Firstly, we discuss the framework of CCA used in combined feature extraction and face recognition. Besides,we propose a new feature fusion strategy. Secondly, we apply the kernel idea to generalized CCA(GCCA)and derive the solution of this model. Finally, on the basis of geometric meaning of correlation coefficient, we propose a new algorithm of CCA on conversion of coordinates and we discuss the geometric meaning of this model. 

Keywords  face recognition , feature extraction , Canonical Correlation Analysis , kernel method , rotation transformation

目 录 I

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题研究背景 1

1.2  典型相关分析的研究与发展 2

1.3  本文主要内容及工作安排 3

1.4  本文的主要创新点 3

2  典型相关分析模型及特征融合 5

2.1  典型相关分析模型 5

2.2  核典型相关分析 8

2.3  一种新的特征融合策略 10

2.4  实验与分析 11

2.5  本章小结 15

3  核广义典型相关分析的算法研究 基于改进的典型相关分析的特征融合算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_50115.html
