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时间:2021-01-18 21:49来源:毕业论文

摘要随着社会的不断进步,人们现在生活节奏也与之前变得完全不同,再加上互联网技术的不断进步,为我们的生活提供更多便利的地方。以前人们通常采用写信的方式来互相联络,后来演变成电报,电话,而现在使用的互联网技术也使得我们在与他人交流的过程中有更多的更加便利的形式。特别是近几年来手机的发展速度超乎想象。围绕着手机的应用铺天盖地般的袭来。各式各样的手机APP充斥着人们的生活,也指引着人们的日常生活。现在,开发手机APP的方式也非常的灵活多变,最主要的平台有:Android,IOS,Windows Phone等等。由于Android极高的开放性,降低了移动App开发的门槛,且Android市场份额非常高。再加之Html5技术出现,Web技术在手机APP方面可谓是大放光彩。再加上css3.0 媒体查询的支持使得用Web技术开发一个Web App 相当方便。目前很多应用都是Web提供数据支持,以及部分UI,快速开发移动APP。62373


系统是以Android和JAVA语言以及MySQL 2005数据库进行设计开发的,JAVA是一门移植性很高的一种语言,所以本系统也达到了一次开发,到处运行的效果。

毕业论文关键词: JAVA; MySQL 2005;Android;APP; 健身

Abstract With the continuous progress of society, people’s living with the rhythm of the rhythm have become completely different, and coupled with the continuous progress of Internet technology, it has provided more convenience for our life. Previously, people usually adopt a letter to contact with each other, and later evolved into the telegraph, telephone, and now the Internet technology we use allow us to communicate with others in the process of more and more convenient form. Especially, the development speed of mobile phones beyond imagination in recent years. Applications around the phone is overwhelming. All kinds of mobile phone app filled with people's lives, also to guide people's daily life. At present, the way of the development of mobile phone APP is also very flexible, the main platform is: Android, IOS, Phone Windows. Due to the high openness of Android, the threshold of mobile App development is reduced, and Android market share is very high. In addition to the emergence of Html5 technology, Web technology in the mobile phone APP can be described as a big shine. Coupled with the support of css3.0 media queries makes it easy to use Web technology to develop a App Web. A lot of applications are Web to provide data support in the current, as well as part of the UI, the rapid development of mobile APP.

Because of the rapid development of information technology, the smart phones become more and more popular. At the same time, mobile app has become increasingly common, all kinds of mobile phone app filled with people's lives, also to guide people's daily life.The successful development of the mobile phone APP will help people to exercise their own fitness, making fitness is no longer the principle of the crowd, but the popular movement of life.

Fitness guide app is a used to guide people to make their own fitness and social, including information, plan and inpidual, information including friend dynamic and fitness point,plans including fitness plan and daily punch, personal center include personal information, adding friend, publishing dynamic, APP information and so on.  健身指导APP的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_68567.html
