毕业论文关键词 边缘提取 深度图像 有效的边界 机器人
Title Based 0n Image Mobile Robot Structured Environment Model Extraction
Abstract Image Edge Extraction is a key technology in the computer image processing, is an important part of the robot environment feature extraction. At present, the edge detection method is more and more, traditional algorithm include Roberts operator, sobel operator, canny operator. The extract will be lower due to the contrast of the environment and the presence of noise, it is difficult to obtain effective border on the edge of the structured environment according to an ordinary image. But using Kinect depth image, depth information can clearly reflect the efficient frontier in the image. This thesis is studied from the point of view of the robot and to see structured environment characteristics. Through computer simulation experiments on the normal image and the depth of the image edge extraction. And both of the extracted edge image obtained by the comparison test, in this comparative experiment can be seen, based on the depth image can be more reliable and effective environment boundary edge extraction, extraction provide the basis for the characteristics of the environment.
Keywords Edge extraction Depth image Effective border Robot
1 绪论 1
1.1 图像边缘的定义 1
1.2 图像边缘提取的研究 2
1.3 图像边缘提取算法的发展趋势 2
1.4 经典的图像边缘提取算法 2
2 移动机器人 7
2.1 移动机器人的概念 7
2.2 移动机器人视觉图像特征提取 7
2.3 移动机器人的环境建模与定位 8
3 基于普通图像的边缘提取 11
3.1 基于Sobel算子的边缘提取 11
3.2 基于Laplace算子的边缘提取 12
3.3 基于LoG算子的边缘提取 13
3.4 基于Canny算子的提取方法 14
4 基于深度图像的边缘提取 16
4.1 Kinect简介 16
4.2 深度图像的概述 17
4.3 程序框架 17
4.4 深度图像的边缘提取原理 19
4.5 实验结果 20
结论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
1 绪论
数字图像[1][2]是人类视觉延伸的重要手段,也是我们从客观世界获取信息的重要来源。通过对人类视觉系统的研究,表明边界是图像中很重要的一部分,有时仅凭借图像的轮廓线即图像边缘就可以识别物体。图像边缘是图像信息最为集中的地方,它包含了图像大部分的特征信息,这些信息是图像识别时抽取特征的重要属性,是人类识别物体的重要依据。因而,边缘是图像中最基本的特征。边缘提取则是将目标与背景区分,简化图像,突出图像的重要特征,减少图像分析的数据量,能更加容易而深刻的理解、识别图像。 基于图像的移动机器人结构化环境模型抽取:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_69331.html