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时间:2021-03-10 20:36来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词  红外成像仿真  大气传输效应   衰减效应   大气透射率


Title          For Atmospheric Attenuation Effect of    Infrared Imaging Simulation      

Abstract Theoretical study of infrared imaging simulation and its implementation, with a strong demand and application background, especially in the military use of the current relevant research institutions at home and abroad has become an important research topic.

Since infrared outdoor scenes in atmospheric transport stimulation process influenced by many factors led to the formation of the attenuation effect. Through the use of atmospheric transport theory, infrared radiation theory, image processing and other theories ,this article focused on different climate conditions such as radiation transmission effect of infrared imaging to establish the relationship between climate and other conditions, combined with relevant empirical formula, and ultimately got the outdoor scenes in a different climate conditions such as radiation transmission infrared imaging atmospheric attenuation effects simulation model. 

This paper was based on atmospheric transmission theory, in the present atmosphere and offers only a few basic parameters of infrared target case, by writing the computer program, to get more accurate atmospheric transmittance of infrared radiation, so that the simulation of infrared image more real for infrared applications system provided infrared image source.

Keywords   Infrared imaging simulation   Propagation in the atmosphere  Attenuation effect    Atmospheric transmissivity

目   录

1  绪论 4

1.1  研究背景 4

1.2  国内外研究现状 4

1.3  研究目的和意义 5

1.4  论文研究内容 5

2  相关概念与技术 6

2.1  红外成像仿真与大气传输效应 6

2.1.1红外成像系统 6

2.1.2大气传输效应 6

2.1.3 红外图像仿真模型 7

3 红外成像大气传输衰减效应模型 9

3.1  整体模型理论前提 9

3.2  计算大气透射率的模型理论基础 9

3.2.1 计算τ1及相关经验公式 9

3.2.2 计算τ2及相关经验公式 面向红外成像的大气衰减效应仿真:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_71204.html
