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时间:2021-04-15 21:44来源:毕业论文

摘要:本系统是一个典型的基于SQL Server数据库、Web界面,融合C#语言,运用ASP.NET技术实现的项目。随着人口流动的更加频繁和住房信息的需求增长,通过网络来进行房产项目的信息查询和订购已经逐渐成为当代社会的潮流趋势。65741


毕业论文关键字:房产中介,C#,ASP.NET,SQL Server

Abstract: The system is a typical based on SQL Server database, web interface, fusion language C#, uses ASP. Net technology to realize the project.With the floating population of more frequent and housing information demand growth, through the network of real estate intermediary to real estate projects information inquiries and orders has gradually become the trend of contemporary society.

    The features of the design are described in this paper.First, the introduction of the project background, significance and the structure design of the preparation of the.Then introduces the design of the development tools and running environment and related technologies.Focuses on the implementation of the completion of the development process of writing system, the main function of the code system is introduced briefly.Finally, it describes the design test related situation..

Keywords: house property intermediary ,c#,asp.net,sql sever

目 录

1 绪论 4

1.1 现状及存在的问题 4

1.2 可行性分析 4

2 涉及的知识和技术基础 5

2.1 ASP.NET简介 5

2.2 ASP.NET的安全性 6

2.3 SQLserver 2008简介 6

2.4 T-SQL语言介绍 7

2.5 系统开发的环境介绍 7

3 系统需求分析和总体设计 7

3.1系统需求分析 7

3.2系统总体设计 8

3.3用户注册 8

3.4 用户登录 9

3.5管理员登陆流程 10

4 数据库设计及实现 11

4.1 数据库设计概述 11

4.2 概念结构设计 12

4.3 逻辑结构设计 14

4.4 物理设计 16

4.5 数据库的实施 17

4.6 数据库的运行及维护 17

5 系统功能模块设计与实现 18

5.1 注册及登录模块的实现 18

5.2 个人用户模块的设计和实现 20

5.3 出售信息的设计和实现 22

5.4 出租模块的设计和实现 27

5.5 留言功能模块的设计和实现 30

5.6 后台登陆功能模块的设计和实现 ASP.NET+SQLServer房产中介信息管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_73453.html
