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时间:2021-04-21 20:01来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  文档管理 JSP Struts1 B/S结构


Title   The Document Management System based on B/S structure                     



Nowadays, with the development of computers, the business units’  electronic documents are increasing number and most dispersed stored in a personal computer, the lack of scientific and reasonable management, document security is not strong, retrieval difficulties, it is difficult to achieve the document management , reducing the efficiency and value of the document. Therefore, how the document scientific and efficient management become an urgent problem.

Realize this project is based on B / S structure of the document management system for all units of various types of document information management, improve the management unit level, to improve service quality. Using JSP technology, Struts1 framework is established based on B / S document management structure, using MySQL as the backend database, to achieve the creation and development of the system.

Keywords  Document Management , JSP , Struts1 , B/S structure


1  引言 1

1.1  课题的来源和背景 1

1.2  国内外现状分析 1

1.3  存在的问题 1

1.4  课题的提出 2

1.5  论文的组织结构 2

2   相关技术的研究 3

2.1 B/S结构 3

2.2 JSP技术 3

2.3 Struts1框架 4

2.4 MySQL数据库 4

3 文档管理系统的设计 6

3.1 系统需求 6

3.2 系统功能描述 7

4 系统设计 9

4.1 系统构架设计 9

4.2 业务实体设计 9

4.3 数据模型设计 10

4.4 jsp+mysql文档管理系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_73761.html
