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时间:2021-06-16 20:45来源:毕业论文
针对车载自组网中的 AODV(Ad-hoc on-demand Distance vector routing)协议设计仿真实验并对其改进。通过改变协议中对应答报文的延迟处理, 从而避免由于节点的移出而导致的时延增加

摘要 近几十年来,移动通信技术已经得到了迅猛的发展,并在许多领域有了广泛 应用,为人们的生活带来了很多的便利。车载自组网,作为一种新的组网技术, 与现有的移动通信系统有着许多的不同之处。它是专门为车辆间通信而设计的自 组织网络,创造性地将自组网技术应用于车辆间通信,使司机能够在超视距的范 围内获得其他车辆的状况信息和实时路况信息。但也正因为是车辆间的通信,所 以它也存在一些弊端,譬如拓扑结构频繁变化、网络的连通性难以保证和服务质 量保障(Quality of Service, QoS)等方面。目前主要是通过路由协议来改善这 些问题。本文主要针对车载自组网中的 AODV(Ad-hoc on-demand Distance vector routing)协议设计仿真实验并对其改进。通过改变协议中对应答报文的延迟处理, 从而避免由于节点的移出而导致的时延增加。仿真实验结果表明:改进后的 AODV 协议虽然在分组投递成功率上有所降低,但是降低了平均端到端时延,同时控制 开销也随之减低。68467

毕业论文关键词 车载自组网 AODV 协议 分组投递成功率 平均端到端时延 控制开销

Title Research for AODV protocol in VANETs based on simulations.


In recent decades, the technology of mobile communication has been rapidly developed and widely used in many fields, as people's lives brought a lot of convenience. As a new networking technology, VANET(Vehicle Ad hoc Network) is different from modern mobile communication systems. It is specially designed for vehicle intercommunications in ad-hoc network. The technology of Ad Hoc is used for building the communication to enable drivers to obtain others' information and real-time traffic information in VANET. Because of communication between vehicles, it also has some disadvantages, such as frequently changing topology, unstable connectivity and problem of QoS(Quality of Service), etc. At present mainly through routing protocols to improve these issues. This article is focus on the simulation of AODV Routing Protocol(Ad-hoc on-demand Distance vector routing) and improve its performance. Avoiding the End-to-end delay increase which due to moving of nodes by the delay in processing of the response protocol packets. The simulation results indicate that: although the packet delivery ratio of improved AODV protocol is lower, the average end-to-end delay and control overhead is reduce effectively.

Keywords  VANET, AODV, Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End-to-End delay

1 绪论 1

1.1 车载自组网研究背景 1

1.2 车载自组网研究进展 3

1.3 本文研究内容 7

1.4 本文组织结构 8

2 城市车载自组网简介 9

2.1 城市场景特点 9

2.2 城市场景下的信息传输 10

2.3 本章小结 10

3 AODV 协议 11

3.1 AODV 路由协议简介 车载自组网AODV协议的仿真研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_76999.html
