摘要试题库试题组织与管理系统是基于Flask的Python WEB 应用。建立在Linux操作系统上,采用MYSQL进行数据存储。使用UWSGI和NGINX进行服务的启动与挂载。学生可以通过注册登录,使用该系统进行在线测试,教师可以使用Excel将试题上传到试题库中,对试题进行增删改查。教师还可以对试题库中的试题进行组卷,并可以将试题和答案生成word进行下载。管理员可以对用户进行管理。69154
毕业论文关键词:Flask Linux 试题库 组卷
Organization and Management of Exam
Abstract The organization and management system of exam is based on the Python WEB application Flask. The system is built on the Linux operating system by using MYSQL, UWSGI and NGINX. Students can log in to use the system for online examination, and teachers can upload examination questions in the form of Excel and perform operations to maintain the examination questions. Additionally, the exam paper can be generated automatically and download for the practical exam.
Today, whether it is in junior school, high school, college, the needs for the exam management is constantly increasing. Due to fix the these needs, organized design, design the system architecture, operating environment, select the language tools fto the project. Due to the needs, we begin to outline design, detailed design, coding, system function test, modular test, finally , the system is developed.
Key Words: Flask, Linux, exam, organize
目 录
1 绪论 3
1.2 系统简介 3
1.3 系统的构成及主要特色 4
1.4 本章重点 5
2 系统分析 6
2.1 可行性分析 6
2.2 需求分析 7
2.3 本章小结 7
3 系统设计 8
3.1 系统架构 8
3.2 系统整体功能结构 8
3.3 数据库设计 15
3.4 本章小结 17
4.系统详细设计及实现 18
4.2 MVC模式实现 18
4.3 系统主要功能模块设计 20
4.4 本章小结 23
5.系统运行测试 24
5.1 系统开发环境 24
5.2 运行环境搭建 24
5.3 项目部署 25
5.4 系统运行测试 25
5.5 本章小结 Flask+Python试题库试题组织与管理:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_77909.html