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时间:2021-08-01 10:31来源:毕业论文
根据铁路工程检测规范确定路基工程量清单中检测与监控项目及其对应单位费用,然后对具体费用指导价进行确定,运用Visual Studio搭建系统界面并使用VB语言编写代码结合工程费用数据

摘要:如今我国铁路建造技术已经处于世界领先水平,铁路工程质量的可靠性是确保铁路运营安全的基本,因此铁道工程的检测与监测工作显得尤为重要。本课题先根据铁路工程检测规范确定路基工程量清单中检测与监控项目及其对应单位费用,然后对具体费用指导价进行确定,运用Visual Studio搭建系统界面并使用VB语言编写代码结合工程费用数据库设计出一个路基工程试验检测与监控项目工程量计价清单系统。研究和分析路基工程检测与监测项目清单计价系统适合工程造价管理的改革方向。对于计价系统软件来说,提供符合国内现有清单计价方式的软件功能,通过计价软件的功能辅助用户适应改革,帮助用户逐步建立在工程量清单计价模式下的优势。70094


Railway Engineering Inspection and Monitoring Project List Valuation System Design - Subgrade Engineering

Abstract:Nowadays, China's railway construction technology has been at the world's leading level, the reliability of railway engineering quality is to ensure the safety of railway operations, so the railway engineering inspection and monitoring work is particularly important. This project first according to the railway engineering inspection standard to determine the roadbed bill of quantities in the test test and monitoring project and its corresponding unit costs, and then the specific cost to guide the price to determine the use of Visual Studio to build the system interface and the use of VB language programming code call prepared of the project cost database into a roadbed engineering test detection and monitoring project bill of quantities procedures. Research and analysis of roadbed engineering inspection and monitoring project list pricing system and the implementation of bill of quantities valuation suitable for engineering cost management reform direction. For the pricing system software, provide the software function to meet the existing inventory pricing methods, through the pricing software to assist users to adapt to the reform, to help users gradually build in the bill of quantities pricing mode of advantage.

KeyWords: Subgrade Engineering; Detection and monitoring technology; List of projects; Pricing system

目  录

1 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2 国外研究现状 3

1.3 本章小结 3

2 路基检测项目分类与费用 4

2.1 Access数据库 4

2.2 路基检测项目分类 4

2.3 检测费用清单 4

2.4 本章小结 7

3 计价系统开发 8

3.1 Visual Studio简介 8

3.2 软件界面设计 8

3.2.1 系统界面 8

3.2.2 项目选择界面 9

3.2.3 维护界面 9

3.2.4 计价结果生成界面 10

3.3 程序设计 11

3.3.1 计价查询模块 11

3.3.2 项目添加模块 17

3.3.3 项目修改模块 19
