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时间:2021-08-01 20:31来源:毕业论文

摘要: 移动互联网在现在已经成了世界互联网的重要的组成部分。但是,移动终端相对于传统的PC平台也存在很多问题,比如屏幕比传统PC的显示屏小,限制了屏幕中内容显示,特别是浏览器上,网页都是按照PC的标准设计的,在移动终端上显示的话会小很多,这已经严重妨碍人们更好的使用移动终端来浏览WEB的内容,特别是一些OA系统。因此,为了提高OA系统在移动终端上的使用效率,开发相应的APP可以很好的解决这一问题。所以我开发了这个系统。70164



Design and Implementation of Student Information Browser Based on Android Platform

Abstract: The mobile Internet has now become an important part of the world's Internet. However, the mobile terminal relative to the traditional PC platform, there are many problems, such as the screen than the traditional PC display smaller, so that we limit the content display, especially in the browser, the page is designed according to PC standards , In the mobile terminal will be displayed on the much smaller, which has seriously hampered people to better use the mobile terminal to browse the contents of the WEB, in particular, some OA system. Therefore, in order to improve the OA system in the mobile terminal on the use of efficiency, the development of the corresponding APP can be a good solution to this problem. So I developed this system.

In this paper, the actual use of the background for the development, the use of Android platform to build a C / S model based on the student information browser. The development process is to analyze the requirements first, understand the main functions of the system, and then the overall system and sub-module design. The development of this system allows students to browse OA information on the mobile terminal more convenient, the system interface is friendly, very good operation, the user learning cost is low.

Keywords: Mobile terminal; OA system; WEB; APP; Android


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 1

1.3 发展趋势 2

1.3.1 全球趋势 2

1.3.2 发展方向 2

1.4 系统开发设计思想总结 3

1.5 课题论文章节概述 3

2 技术和平台分析介绍 5


2.1.1 Android平台介绍 5

2.1.2 Material Design 安卓平台的学生信息浏览器的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_79358.html
