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时间:2021-09-24 20:44来源:毕业论文
Fortunately, I chose the development of Android financial system。 The financial system is based on the JAVA language to develop the most original, the three layer structure, Java standard layer, con

Fortunately, I chose the development of Android financial system。 The financial system is based on the JAVA language to develop the most original, the three layer structure, Java standard layer, control layer, business layer, reduce the complexity of cheap at the same time, improve the operation ability, the financial system security capability, and post maintenance ability。 The system implements the basic modules of new expenditure, income, my income, expenditure, memo recording function, password modification and application exit。           

The development of this system is mainly aimed at the groups of students in school。 Before system development, I investigated 100 college students in Shanghai for accounting, financial management concept, said 71 people had never said 13 people had a demerit; but did give up; 9 people have more formal bookkeeping habits, 6 of them with mobile phone application software; the remaining staff accounting concept。 The operation of the system is simple, the interface is clear, there is no more complicated financial words, and there is no borrowing, credit and other tedious high-level accounting function, which has a certain advantage to the promotion of College Students' bookkeeping habits。 This is also the ultimate significance of doing this topic, hoping that more and more people will begin to pay attention to their financial situation。 

Keywords: Android system, mobile phone simple financial software, app development, mobile development


第一章  绪论 5

1。1 课题研究背景调查与简述 5

1。2移动记账应用意义 6

1。3移动记账应用现状 6

第二章  系统相关技术 8

2。1 Java语言简介 8

2。2 JavaBean概述 8

2。3 Android系统的架构 8

2。3。1 应用程序 8

2。3。2 应用程序框架 9

2。3。3 系统运行库 10

2。3。4 Linux内核 11

2。4 Android平台的搭建 11

2。4。1 JDK的安装 11

2。4。2 安卓studio Eclipse Install 11

2。4。3 安卓的SDK的operation of Install 11

2。4。4 ADT的安装 12

2。4。5 创建AVD 12

2。5 此章节总结 13

第三章  系统可行性分析 14

3。1 系统大致目标 14

3。2 系统的可行性分析 14

3。3 系统功能需求分析 15

3。4 系统开发软件的选择以及工具的使用 15

第四章  系统设计与实现 16

4。1 设计大纲目标 16

4。2 系统结构设计 16

4。2。1 总体架构设计 16

4。2。2 系统网络拓扑结构图 17

4。3 数据库开发 18

4。3。1 数据库开发选择 18 java安卓系统手机的简易财务软件app设计(2):http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_82113.html
