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时间:2021-09-25 15:39来源:毕业论文
数字图书馆起源于而又优于以前的图书馆,它的许多地方 是后者没能企及的。但是思考数字图书馆的现状,依然有各种问题,需要一种应 对的措施。云计算是一种新型网络计算方法,它

摘要网络技术正发展迅猛,人们的生活方式都变化了很多,传统图书馆已经满足 不了用户的各种需求,数字图书馆起源于而又优于以前的图书馆,它的许多地方 是后者没能企及的。但是思考数字图书馆的现状,依然有各种问题,需要一种应 对的措施。云计算是一种新型网络计算方法,它的出现变化了数字图书馆的现状。 数字图书馆的建设中集合了云计算势必让其更完善,把两者联系在一起是未来的 研究方向。72268

本文先介绍全国关于云计算和数字图书馆的研究,具体阐明两者的基本理论 知识。后从校园数字图书馆应对的困境着手,引出了图书馆联盟的概念、特点、 意义,还举出江苏省高校数字图书馆联盟的例子,加深对该概念的理解。又以数 字图书馆联盟应对的困境为基奠,设计出校园数字图书馆联盟云服务平台的基本 框架。最后介绍了该平台的具体应用和运行机制,说明了构建云服务平台的问题, 提出了平台的发展方向。

该论文有图 9 幅,表 6 个,参考文献 25 篇。

毕业论文关键词:数字图书馆 云计算 图书馆联盟 云服务平台

The Design and Application of Service Platform of Digital Library on Campus Based on The Cloud Computing

Abstract Internet technology is developing rapidly, people’s lifestyle has changed a lot, traditional library has already can’t satisfy the various needs of users, digital library originated from but is superior to the previous library, it has a lot of parts which the latter library can’t reach。 But thinking about the present situation of the digital library, there are still many problems, it requires a measure to deal with。 Cloud computing is a new kind of network computing method, it appears to change the present situation of the digital library。 Collecting cloud computing in the construction of the digital library is bound to make the construction more perfect, combining cloud computing and digital library is the future researching direction。

The article first introduces the national research on the cloud computing and digital library, and clarifies the basic theoretical knowledge of cloud computing and digital library。 After that, it starts from the facing dilemma of digital library on campus, raises the concept, characteristics and significance of library alliance, also recites the example of digital library alliance on campus of Jiangsu province, to deepen the understanding of library alliance。 And based on the facing dilemma of digital library alliance, it designs the framework of digital library alliance cloud service platform on campus。 Finally it introduces the specific application and the operating mechanism of the platform, it illustrates the problems of building the cloud service platform, and put forward the direction of it’s development。

The paper has nine figures, six tables, twenty-five references。

Key Words: digital library cloud computing library alliance cloud service platform

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

图清单 V

表清单 V

1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景和意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 3

1。3 研究内容与方法 4

1。4 研究思路与创新 云计算校园数字图书馆服务平台的设计应用:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_82203.html
