摘要分布式支付集成系统是基于SAAS应用模式开发的,系统部署在公有云服务器上,各个模块间通过Web Service的形式通信。系统使用业界流行的框架Jersey和Spring开发;使用Cassandra数据库(NoSql数据库的一种),支持高并发写入操作;使用Lucene索引框架,辅助数据库建索引,便于提供高效的查询。整个系统项目由Maven管理,降低管理难度。78121
Abstract Distributed Pay Integrated System was developed based on the SAAS application model。 The system is deployed on the public cloud server。 The system had several modules。 These modules communicated with each other through Web Service。 The industry popular frameworks Jersey and Spring were utilized to develop this system。 The Cassandra database (one of the NoSql database) was utilized to support high concurrent write operation。 The Lucene index framework was utilized to help database build index, which provided efficient query。 The whole project was managed by Maven to reduce the difficulties of management。
The payment system integrated with AliPay, WeChat, UnionPay, JingDong Pay, BaiDu Pay channels and provided a unified, convenient, practical payment and refund interface for clients。 Each module of this system adopted the distributed deployment。 The system had good expansibility and flexibility。
If project need to access payment, programmer need to write a lot of code and does data backup in general software development。 If project access to multiple channels is more complicated, programmer need according to the various channels development documents to develop。 For beginners, it is even harder to complete。 If the programmer writes the same code in each project development, obviously the cost of manpower is huge。 This system’s aim is to reduce the difficulties of software developer access to payment, reduce development time and maintenance cost。
Keywords: Distributed; Pay Integrated; SAAS; Cassandra
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 系统开发的背景 1
1。2 系统设计的目标 1
1。3 课题研究的内容和意义 1
1。4 本章小结 2
第二章 系统使用技术及架构设计 3
2。1系统开发工具及运行环境 3
2。2 系统主要使用技术 3
2。2。1 REST架构风格 3
2。2。2 Spring框架 4
2。2。3 Jersey框架 4
2。2。4 Cassandra数据库 5
2。2。5 Lucene索引框架 7
2。3 系统架构 7
2。4 本章小结 9
第三章 系统详细设计 SAAS分布式支付集成系统的设计和实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_89951.html