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时间:2022-03-27 11:27来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键字:Android   ASP。NET   投票   Html


Title     Design and implementation of the smart phone-based voting system                                   

Abstract In life, we often need to rely on statistical public opinion to analyze something, or perform some action from the early elections now, dining, living, travel, school management, working conditions and so on throughout every corner around us, like air in general, with the development of technology, this ballot is also escalating, from the earliest to later punched paper with graffiti, to the current more electronic questionnaire way to complete the vote, in order to facilitate the data well statistics to be analyzed for a better assessment of the content, more accurate judgments and use。

For paper-based voting, there is not environmentally friendly and convenient to many other disadvantages, to launch a mobile phone and Internet web pages can contact manner vote。 Provide a common mobile phone can be easy to use, has reached the user can complete a simple vote, and VS environment to develop ASP。NET server environment design is the most important part of the basic program development。 Users can connect the phone directly to the Web page, simple to operate, and can protect the user information and statistics it will be quick and easy, there will be a lot of space in the future prospects and will become the future mainstream。

Keywords: Android ASP。NET vote Html

1  绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景 1

1。2 国内外研究发展情况 4

1。3 研究意义 5

1。4  相关技术 6

1。4。1  Android系统的运用 6

1。4。2 html的使用 6

1。4。3 。NET 7

1。4。4 。Mysql 7

1。4。5 。IIS 7

2。1 手机投票系统结构 9

2。1。1 系统流程构造 9

2。1。2.ASP。NET开发环境 11

2。1。3。连接数据库Mysql 12

2。2 主要流程 Android投票系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_91655.html
