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时间:2022-03-29 22:08来源:毕业论文



The Design and Implementation of Inventory Management System Based on J2EE

Abstract:With the development of science and technology, inventory management is no longer rely on manual statistics to complete, but advanced inventory management system is used for unified management。 This paper designs and develops a inventory management system according to the current enterprise status for inventory。 Take the enterprise material management as the core, the system achieves a variety of functions such as material procurement management, sales management, inventory management, basic information, system maintenance, financial management and so on。 According to the method of software development process, the system needs analysis, overall design, detailed design, system implementation, system testing and so on。In the demand analysis stage and the overall design stage, the system design needs data flow diagram, function module diagram, flow chart, E-R chart。After establishing the whole framework of the system, the software is programmed to realize the software。The Software is based on the C/S model, the use of J2EE technology development and implementation, data management using MySQL database。The application of the system can be better management of material inventory, improve the efficiency of material inventory management staff。

Key words: Inventory Management; J2EE Technology; C/S Model

目    录

摘 要 1

Abstract 1

引言 2

1 绪论 2

1。1 研究背景及意义 2

1。2 本文研究内容 2

2 需求分析 3

2。1 可行性分析 3

2。2 需求分析 3

2。3 非功能需求分析 4

2。4 方案选择 5

3 系统设计 5

3。1 软件体系结构设计 5

3。2 技术框架设计 6

3。3 网络架构设计 7

3。4 功能架构设计 8

3。5 系统功能模块设计 8

3。6 数据库设计 9

4 系统实现 11

4。1 采购管理功能实现 11

4。2 销售管理功能实现 11

4。3 库存管理功能实现 12
