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时间:2022-04-08 23:25来源:毕业论文
研究《学生成绩管理系统的研究与设计》项目,整个系统用C#语言开发,基于C/S模式,用Visual Studio 2010和MySQL进行设计。教务系统管理平台充分利用互联网络C/S管理系统模式

摘要:文主要研究《学生成绩管理系统的研究与设计》项目,整个系统用C#语言开发,基于C/S模式,用Visual Studio 2010和MySQL进行设计。教务系统管理平台充分利用互联网络C/S管理系统模式,以网络为平台,为各个学校教务系统的管理提供一个平台,帮助学校管理教务系统,用一个帐号解决学校教务教学管理,并且学校可以自由选择学校需要的学生成绩管理系统的研究与设计,灵活地定制符合学校自己实际情况的教务系统。成绩管理是一个教育单位不可缺少的重要组成部分,它的内容对于学校的教务管理人员来说至关重要,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,利用计算机实现管理势在必行。本论文介绍了学生成绩管理系统从分析到设计最后到开发的全过程,在开发过程中,主要用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008设计窗体, Microsoft Access建立数据库,实现了学生信息查询,学生信息修改,学生成绩录入等基本功能。成绩管理系统具有检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、成本低等优点,成绩管理系统的使用,提高了成绩管理的效率[[]]。79654

毕业论文关键词:学生成绩管理系统;C# ;Visual Studio 2010;MySQL;

Abstract:his paper mainly studies "the educational administration management system" project, the whole system is developed with C# language, based on C/S model, designed by Visual Studio 2010 and MySQL。Make full use of mode C/S interconnection network educational administration management system management system platform based on the network as a platform, to provide a platform for all the school educational administration management system, help the school educational administration management system, solve the school teaching affairs management in an account, and schools are free to choose the educational administration management system management system the school needs, flexible to customize schools with their own the actual situation of the educational administration system。 According to there quirements of developing, the system is mainly applied to education system which manage as the daily teaching education al administration and computeration of teachers and students。 Developing grade Management System cannot only ruduce thep resure of the staff and system atically manage the service and information,but also decrease the use of lab our force,accelerate there quiring speed,improve management,speed the pace of concernad nationa l department automated information retrieval to standardize the managements。Nowdays,the universities work are miscellaneous,especially inprivate ones。It's important  to put the teachers'management on the table。Up to now,mamage ment has come in to universities but not popularized。As for the teaching management,the reis not a set of complete and unified system,so it's very necessary to develop a common,compatibleone。 

    Keywords:The educational administration management system; C# ; Visual Studio 2010; MySQL;


1。 前言 6

1。1 课题性质 6

1。2选题背景与依据 6

2。 软件开发与运行环境及技术概述 7

2。1 软件开发环境 7

2。2 软件运行环境 7

2。3 主要技术简介 7

2。3。1  SQL 7

2。3。2  C# 7

3。 数据库管理系统需求分析 9

3。1 学生成绩管理系统的研究与设计需求分析 C#+mysql学生成绩管理系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_92215.html
